Hello mount collectors!
We are selling the mythic Jaina “ Glacial Tidestorm ” mount and Ny’alotha Ahead of the Curve “ Uncorrupted Voidwing ” mount. Prices are as follows:
Mythic Jaina mount - 1.4mil
Ny’a AotC mount - 200k
We calculated the prices to be approximately 12-14 tokens and 2 tokens each, respectively, give or take a little. Discount is available if you are selling tokens on Blackhand instead of trading gold from Quel’dorei/Sen’jin. Prices are negotiable. We have sold many mounts in previous expansions and have references from happy buyers upon request.
Raid times are either Thursday or Sunday nights, around 10:30PM Central. Please add me at Neddy#1554 if you have any questions or are interesting in purchasing a run. Thank you!