Alliance getting rolled on pvp servers?

My limited perspective in SoD so far has been horde stomping alliance in world pvp.

Is that holding true on other pvp servers?

Yep, horde are the best.

Alliance just have delusions they can PVP. It’s cute.

If you consider 1v5 stomping.


It’s even funnier after the forum coping about paladins swaying PVP for alliance when they are actually still trash at PVP.

A shaman is worth 2 paladins in PVP.

Horde PVP racials are still just better as well.

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And yet we’ll still have people demanding Blood Elves and Horde Paladins. I agree with you, but I also oppose the need to give both factions Pally/Shams.

Always been the case. If you’re set on Alliance try a PvE server.

Yeah, and horde overall just has more enjoyable community (from my experience so far) most of them love grouping for annoying farm and kill quests.

Most of the alliance players refuse to group unless they are a premade group, and would rather compete for all the mobs and items to collect in the area making questing a miserable experience with the large populations.

As frustrating as it is, I’ve gotten a good kick out of the amount of gnome mages I’ve seen who refuse to group up, then selfishly pull big mobs and get overwhelmed in a matter of seconds. Good stuff right there.

Not gonna lie I sit nearby in stealth and wait for them to do this just to ambush. Other alliance just watch it happen and don’t helpm


Well I play on a pve server, but the horde on there have been more enjoyable to be around.

Alliance on Living Flame definitely seem to be the dominant PvP faction. Not sure why, but I do recall briefly not being able to make an Alliance toon on that server due to pop imbalance.

In my limited experience… not really. I’m playing on Crusader Strike for my Alliance characters.

I’ve won every BG as Alliance so far, could just be me but we seem to be crushing Horde in the 19 bracket for WSG.

The only Horde doing Wpvp I’ve seen was geared lvl 25 players, fighting lvl 15-20 Alliance that are questing still than getting wiped once the low level Alliance group up or get their own 25 to back them up. We don’t have many natural zones both factions quest in for a more balanced fight so it’s just max lvl horde out for a rune or something ganking low level players till they get crushed a few times and run away.

I absolutely do consider that a justified stomping.

weird, when my friends and I play (we only play horde) we never win against alliance, even in retail. last night went against a 10 man pre-made on crusader strike and got a total of 1 kill.

Im just waiting for 40 cap when I get my EM double crit tbh. After that ill seriously pvp

Just like the old days…

In phase 1 one faction has a Mortal Strike effect, the other doesnt. Which do you think will be superior?

In my experience, Alliance usually performs better at team play, and will do very well in BGs compared to the Horde that try to run in and meatgrinder. Meanwhile, in open world unstructured pvp, Horde usually perform better, at least until the Alliance gets organized.

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