Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

I know Limit is being salty about it but them faction xferring their whole Guild seems to mean it may be working.

I guess you and I are seeing a different game. I have been in warmode on 2 other toons and those groups are usually only found during incursions. Also, to be fair, they aren’t exactly numerous even then. I mean, come on, we both know that with the state of the games population and all that there are hardly marauding groups of alliance running around at every flightpath. The horde are more numerous and can do that in raids and I have only seen that a couple times since Thanksgiving. I am sorry if that happened to you as it is a pathetic move by any group regardless of faction, but I have not run into much of that in 2 or 3 months now.

So what’s the issue then?

I know my Horde group isn’t effected pro or con by Alliance getting a piece of Heroic gear.Our progression will be the same no matter how many pieces of gear they get.

How does the Alliance getting the 30% buff and a piece of gear effect you or your Guild/Raid Group?

They will be switching back is what i heard,

Of course they will. Look at the Guild name they chose. It was pure salt fueled by piles of Gold from Uldir and Mythic plus carries.

I think you don’t know what “Free” means.

It doesn’t affect any of us. But, if the point, as you said, is to balance factions, how is offering one side something on not the other going to balance anything?

I could care less about the actual piece of loot. But my point is, it isn’t solving anything. Have you heard of any mass amounts of horde swapping to alliance? No. Because these incentives don’t solve anything.

It’s a little something to give to the alliance to make them feel better and hopefully get them to be quiet. Which is not right the right thing to do on Blizzards end. If the incentives aren’t bringing any change (which everyone knew they wouldn’t) Blizz should be trying something else.

At this point how do you solve the imbalance? I actually agree with you and the news about Limit is just them being salty and not a real indicator of change.

Blizzard created this mess and they know it. I’m holding out hope that the various rumors of a third faction mixed with cross faction play coming in the next x-pac are true.

^ All this BS about Horde racials

Anyone else remember playing against alliance who had bascially 3 trinkets in PVP with their racials? I don’t remember getting a buff or free gear as Horde. Just saying.

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Unfortunately, I have no idea. Other than the obvious “offer free faction transfers” that will never happen, I don’t know

As a horde member, I’d love for there to be balance. PvP will be full. I want both sides of the story to be good (although, neither side is good right now imo. Fingers crossed it’s getting better).

I guess the hope was that 30% exp boost would cause people to go over to alliance. But I’m surely not re-leveling classes I’ve already leveled just to swap sides. And I’m sure nobody is. So, we’re left with what we started with.

This was never intended to get people to switch. This was intended to get alliance to turn on warmode so the horde would stop all the posts about how the alliance was, as a faction, cowards who wouldn’t fight even when it was shown statistically to be at 5 to 1 odds at best and 8 to 1 odds most of the time thanks to the extremely poor sharding mechanic. Blizzard really does not care about faction balance and seems as though they would be just as happy if everyone switched to horde. As long as they pay 25.00 per character, of course.

At this point of the games life just have free faction changes. They could even cap it where you could only faction change a character every couple months, to try and avoid people to take advantage of the weekly quest and then switching back.

I honestly would do it, not for the weekly ilvl400 gear but just to experience the alliance side/story of the game. All my toons are on the horde and sort of losing interest in the game. At least playing alliance would be different and I would probably stick with it for a while but I am not paying Blizzard $ to faction change.

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Unbalanced racials over the years are the reason we are in this mess.

I can remember numerous guilds going to the Horde simply for the racials for competitive play. Method in Mists comes to mind.

At this point in the games life remove factions as a limiting factor for grouping. Add a third faction for RP reasons but allow players to group up for content no matter their side.

Stop putting up barriers for people to play together because of the tired old faction conflict.

It actually took me 20 minutes this morning

WELL! I just faction transferred to Alliance (I’m OP). Got a shiny 400 by ganking 25 Horde in Nazmir Incursion WQ (Kill Warframe) at dock and another warforged 405 from Darkshore Warfront. Yay, I guess.


Limit just swapped to alliance, method is thinking about it too ~

No we didnt. Horde EU got the weapon, then Alliance NA, then Alliance EU, horde na got one like 4 weeks later.


I’m sure you look great in blue

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Horde: “I cant get my call to arms quests done because there are never any alliance around”
Also Horde: “I see alliance in warmode now so how dare they get bonuses to get them to turn it on!”

You see larger groups of ally in certain shards and yeah it is frustrating (alliance have been dealing with that since launch IE 2 raids of horde at every azerite WQ) but the sharding is busted and alliance are seriously outnumbered and outgunned.