Alliance gets free ilvl 400 weekly through WPvP!

It seems like this is best place to ask. Does anyone if the ilvl of reward from quest “Against overwhelming odds” will increase? It’s 370 now and I’ve been wondering if it’ll get increased to 400

Edit: It’s increased to 400 lol, they finally convinced me to main Alliance.


385 from next week… read it somewhere

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If that’s true then the Horde tears will be extra salty tomorrow.


My issue is that blizzard has made the stupid free alliance loots Region wide, in doing so they have also given the extra buffs to both RP and Oceanic shards where Alliance has already for the most part out numbered horde. And on those shards if Alli were not partaking it is not hordes fault because Alliance has generally out numbered horde, Blizzards half baked ideas and poorly implemented to reward the side with greater numbers is beyond a joke.


It’s showing 400 for me.

I’m thinking it might be time to reconsider the “separate shards” thing for RP servers, though there are obviously downsides to that.

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Well yes, I was extra salty and already made a QQ post. This alt is gonna be my main now, Blizz finally convinced me

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I tis time to either make it fully shard based or remove the bonus all together, unable to do a single quest because at a minimum 10 alli beating on you as soon as you rez. What they should have done was make it shard based and do a winter grasp style buff for the out numbered, If I have to fight 10 v 1 because it is clearly what Blizzard is intending since this has gone on so long, I should at least be at the level of a raid boss so I can get my quests completed. So if the 370 did not get enough alli Out give them a higher item level and may be they can just roll around in huge groups like locusts cause that is all they have been doing.


I am absolutely buried in alliance on the RP shard. OMG. The first time i have ever considered turning WM off it’s gross.


Welcome to the good guys side! And thank you for helping to fix the faction population imbalance.

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Already outnumbered as Horde on Emerald Dream. Thanks Blizzard.


Welcome to the better faction. May we slay many Horde together.

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Alliance is not better based on skill. Just because Blizzard granted you a free 30% buff and a free ilvl 400 item doesn’t make you the better faction. There’s strength in numbers. It’s #ForTheHorde until the end of time.



10 chars

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ZUG ZUG there

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No, we’re the better faction cause we’re not genocidal maniacs.

It’s not real you know right ??


But you incentivise genocide instead by forming 100+ people in raid to kill 10 horde? #AllianceLogic


No, we form 30 man raids to kill 40 man horde raids. But as always Horde exaggerate Alliance numbers.

All you’ve shown me is you zerg with raid groups. Let’s keep focused shall we?
Your talking smack about my guild with no proof, no screenshots no videos of us.

I’m definatly down to put you and your friends in the dirt name a time and place and dont bring 80 people


You would if they offered you ilvl 400 gear