Alliance gets Darkshore on Tuesday

Will it count as the updated loot table or the old?

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old loot table


I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that Alliance is getting screwed the first rotation while Horde comes out good.


Depends when it opens. If it opens before restart old. After is new.

So do yourself q favor and don’t contribute.


I would think it will be updated if you do it after the update but that’s just common sense let’s see what really happens.

No. It’s based purely on when it unlocks.

If the war front unlocks before reset the entire lockout is spent with old.

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Really? Can Bliizz be anymore … you know what?? Nevermind.

Where did you get this info? I could not find anything about it.

Not surprising at all. I mean it is all about timing. :poop:

Here’s what I know. Starting next week everything darkshore goes up 15 ilvl. DO you want to risk the quest updating for you after reset? I don’t.

More likely than not the quest will drop updated loot after the reset on Tuesday, as should the World Boss for Horde.

There is always a chance that both of them stay the same though, until the Alliance take Darkshore and Horse starts contributions. The Alliance should “get the feeling of the Horde bias”.

So you are guessing then, don’t state it like it’s a fact please.

I’m sure the quest won’t update if you pick it up before the update but the rewards from finishing a game + the quest should be changed as it’s part of the update.

Just don’t touch the quest to be safe.

Would you rather contribute and not have it update for you or not contribute and have it be updated by default.

apparently it was a decision made by the devs

Hi guys! With the release of Season 2 on Tuesday, Darkshore rewards will scale up to 400 now! However, if we are currently attacking, we will remain at season 1 385 levels.

Special note: The two Darkshore changes will only take effect after the current Warfront cycle has ended. So if Alliance is attacking Darkshore in a given region when Season 2 begins, and has 3 days left in that attack cycle, that Darkshore will still give Season 1 rewards.

  • This is being done to avoid any unfairness to people who had already completed the Warfront or done the world boss just prior to the season rollover.

which logically makes sense.


Wrong plus ten characters.


  • Arathi/Stromgarde rewards will remain as they were previously.
  • Darkshore rewards will go up by 15 item levels, so that the outdoor world boss and the once-per-cycle quest both award item-level 400 gear.
  • The power of all enemies in the Darkshore Warfront will also go up by roughly 15%, and the item level required to queue for Darkshore will go up from 320 to 335.
  • Special note: The two Darkshore changes will only take effect after the current Warfront cycle has ended. So if Alliance is attacking Darkshore in a given region when Season 2 begins, and has 3 days left in that attack cycle, that Darkshore will still give Season 1 rewards.
    • This is being done to avoid any unfairness to people who had already completed the Warfront or done the world boss just prior to the season rollover.

there. i knew i read it somewhere. your source.


What’s that have to do with my post? I asked you if it was fact and you responded with something that made no sense in context. Your recent post provided the proof I asked for thank you for that.

I think we are already screwed, I’m pretty sure the first phase of the current Warfront cycle is when we donate.

Thanks for this once again Blizzard… I’m not going to call Horde favoritism as it’s not but this was a dumb idea that harms the Alliance just like when Warfronts where first introduced.


eh, contributions take 4 days maximum so thats why im telling epople to not contribute.

I know, what I’m saying as the donate phase is most likely considered the current cycle of the warfront so we will need to wait till next month to get the increased rewards.

Who here still donates btw? Azurite is not worth throwing gold away for unless you are a Mythic raider going for world first.

no. the donate phase doesn’t impact it. if the warfront moves to the actual next phase before reset, where we have the quests, that is when were screwed.

and its good for alts.