Alliance finally had a single advantage in a raid

Very good question. I will answer with…it probably could, but its a Venthyr raid so blood and bleed, k?

Comical to watch people call for freedoms on that. I’m like no dude you are moving too much for no reason you aren’t getting my blessing. Lemme give it to someone else.

RIP, my little Luffa


Sure they look like vampires, but from the videos I’ve seen on them when they are taking anima from someone it isn’t through their blood. It appears to be magically extracted.

Still waiting for the day when blizzard acknowledges the existence of the player and meta progression.

So like a soul drain mechanic based upon how many achievement points or prideful messages you have posted in WoW chats.

Good joke.
You know it bugs out rezan so he just doesn’t do his mechanic right?
How many interactions like that exist, I wonder?
People not using it doesn’t mean its not good.

People didn’t take all blood elves to zul either and people weren’t going to take all dwarfs to Nathria.

Or that allows MVPs to one shot everything, because they’re supposedly better than the rest of us.

Man this thread sure is a cesspit. Regardless of who they favor, I’m pretty sure the damage is done faction wise; years of neglect led to this point and it’s going to take a concerted effort on their part to get out of the chasm they’ve dug for themselves.

Racials should just be flavor. I love the vulpera racials but really dislike the race.

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If it was nearly as good as you Horde love to pretend, the leaders board would be filled with entire NE groups. The fact is, it’s nearly as good.

The people who main Vulperas also tend to be creepy.

Blue eyes were added because of alliance players complaining lol, not because of blood elves asking for them.


And Blood Elves were added because Horde players were complaining.


You mean like Shadowmeld in Mythic + which they let go too

No one serious uses that on live realms. If it was that good people would have swapped in droves a long while ago.

Ssssh, no, see? This game is full of nothing but Alliance privilege. We should keep our mouths shut, our heads down and feel graced that we are even allowed to play the same game as our much worse off Horde brethren.

The chase mechanic?

Tournament realms are a joke enough as is. Playing any card game or other non-loadout game you have to bring your own stuff to the activity. Why does getting the chance to pick what is ideal a thing? You should be restricted to what you have from live servers.

You can shadowmeld, BoP, and then I think for a period of time (may even still now) taunt him.

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There is literally no reason for anyone to play Alliance these days. Blizz has made it clear that they do not care about faction balance and will take every opportunity to ensure that players do not suffer any inconvenience when choosing the overwhelmingly unbalanced faction.

Merc mode is example #1. Faction choice should be impactful, but any time that Horde might suffer for it, Blizz patches in a fix for them.

Well merc mode was for alliance to play horde when it was first brought in for WoD (cause of population disparity for pvp). And merc mode should cost gold to participate in.

But for the rest you are right.

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