Alliance exploiting battle for Ashenvale

lolllll not since yall started doing this exploit…horde mostly server and an exploit is needed. Keep stacking 2 layers.

Every server is Alli dominant, and I can say that with 500% confidence since I have 3 25s on wildgrowth.
Even when they do do the exploit. They are still outnumbered 3 to 1.
I’ve saw it happen just today.

They need to stack two layers - A horde and alliance player

Fun fact to the people coping in this thread, there is no exploit and never was one. The bosses don’t despawn and just follow you into the water.


its more the fact you guys just dont do well in pvp if its not 10 v 1


Because the boss just swims and continues the fight in the water. The water doesn’t glitch him, it doesn’t kill him, it doesn’t even reset him. The notion that Alliance were despawning bosses most likely comes from an idiot observing a mirror image despawn as Alliance were crossing the river to make their way to the HQ after killing said boss, assuming that had to have been the boss then saying this is what happened.


Alliance players have no life, live on welfare, are streamers living on simps, living with their parents, get free money and don’t work because of anxiety, depression, laziness. Accoubts for 90% of inflated numbers on all the time