Alliance exploiting battle for Ashenvale

Ha gottem.

Imagine ally reading this and trying it out and boss just regens to max health and us Horde winning everytime. 4D chess, well done OP. This is psychological warfare.

Alliance exploiting in PvP Im so shocked maybe they can add a fence like they use in AV too for the other bosses

How many runes or must-have items are farmed in wetland you know that def not alliance favor zone?

Sorry bro according to aggrend horde just need to “git gud” lmao, like cmon just also exploit the boss? ( you can’t btw because alliance bosses all aoe root and can’t be kited.)

Can all of you shut up above “precived baises” this is a thread about a clear exploit, stop derailing.

Or because its an oversight.

In phase 1.

If horde players arent number 1 always, they arent happy.

All of those posts point out the overt favoritism towards alliance in phase one. Blizz has even acknowledged they messed this up. White knighting is gross and you should do better.

True. But players have a responsibility to point out the bias in phase 1 to avoid it becoming a trend. I give Blizz credit, they are listening and have owned their mistakes. Why you feel the need to gaslight about this I will never figure out.

Bro the horde last two points are right next to each other you have two flight points and this makes you mad. If a raid has the ability to drag a raid mob to a contested area with enemy players they are probably going to win. I have a horde toon and ally toon I do ashenvale with and they both have issues in the run. It’s supposed to be pvp that sounds like pvp to me.

Also by the way the whole faction imbalance thing the factions pick a layer so you’ll usually have one or two layers for each faction.

PVP would be welcomed but trashenvale is 100% pve

this needs to be fixed immediately.

it’s not a bug, it’s an exploit that’s actively being used to screw over thousands of players

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Horde is fixated on stacking east despite that it is right next to splinter for a hearth and moon is right there after. The orimary reason horde loses is because of 90% of the players grieifing and startimg east instead of west and mid.

Horde players would rather get 1k rep instead of 1100-1500.

I strongly support diminishing rewards after a first lt and making the win significantly more rep.

Once is an oversight, twice is suspect, three+ times and it’s clear the devs are favoring Alliance in SoD.

The devs are either:
A) Lazy, designing the new changes around Alliance with Horde as afterthought

B) Pandering, because most streamers play Alliance(who in turn scratch Blizzard’s back)


C) Both A and B

D) Youre delusional.

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Blizzard. Please. If this made gold you would have patched it within hours like you did the blackfathom cleared raid farm. FFS. WYD?

this is terrible blizz your letting us down this should be and eazy fix

Its absurd people are arguing over horde or alliance player bias as if the main issue here isn’t the alliance being able to completely gimp a boss. Why they haven’t fixed it or made it so the boss just resets to full health back to the start when he’s pulled into the water is beyond me. It should be easy`

They held his head under and drowned him.

Working as intended.

Horde scum do this every single event on Wildgrowth.

Horde wins (at most) 2 layers on Wildgrowth, and Alli wins the rest.
Sit down.