Alliance dominating war mode in prepatch

Shout out to the Alliance who is absolutely consistently smashing the piss out of the horde right now in all of the prepatch zones. Absolutely dominating and it’s fantastic to see.


It’s not so fun on our end, porting in to every area to see a swarm of alliance camping the NPC and portal. Also fun when you have a DK abusing the cryogenic chamber buff to one shot folks with remorseless winter. Yep fantastic job alliance…


Working as intended.


You guys dominated for almost two decades. Eat your lunch.

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Nelf racials make WPvP way too easy, it seems. I can definitely see it already, even as I speak in Org…


Every single shard has alliance outnumbering horde by very large margins. But give one faction all of the best racials outside of orc and this is what happens. Winning by huge number advantages thanks to terrible racial balance is not something to be proud of. Just saying.


I mean you’d still be dead if horde racials were better. Enough people attack you, you die.

“PvP servers were perfectly balanced and fun”
-some dude getting camp, probably

Pretty sure alliance racials are the same as they were in shadowlands. When most pvpers were horde.

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Nope! Human’s got nerfed! /s

But on a serious note, as it turns out, removing the faction restrictions to allow people to participate regardless of said faction makes for basically a decision on aesthetics, unless you’re really trying and pick the meta race. If you enjoy the meta race anyways as it is, then it’s a win/win for you! :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

And let’s be honest here, most of us started the game as Alliance anyways. I know I did. /shrug

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You can thank Rextroy for that one. :roll_eyes:

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Yep not going to lie I was speechless when I got gripped the first time and got hit for 55mill. Stayed dead a good minute or so trying to do some math :rofl:. It’s just crazy how they don’t balance these shards out, for every 20 alliance you have 1 or 2 horde. Hey I get it it’s WM you can turn it off… it just sucks you can’t have some fun in wpvp because you’re swarmed by alliance and not only that they act scummy about it when they already know they outnumber us.

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I"m not sure where the dominating is right now. But all I’ve been running into a certain spanish player group abusing the follower dungeons to escape when they get low and camping only the dragonblight event.

Yup, lol. That was the only zone that was dangerous for me to step through today.

Everyone needs democracy. Expac hype is at an all time high!!!

It’s literally the same player and his friends camping all the active event areas with WM on. He grabs his hunter and shaman friend to tag along. When the mage gets low, he simply queues for a follower dungeon to leave the fight. Blizz needs to put a stop to that.

Any chance the Horde will fight back? Any wpvp communities out there with room for another sneaky forsaken?

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It feels like 75% of drops are opened before the other faction arrives. It takes only a few seconds for the drop to hit the ground when the plane stops, which doesn’t give people time to get there from the other side of the map.

I think there’s just more alliance playing early access so it will probably even out on launch

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That’s what they get for burning Teldrassil.


The problem is that Alliance outnumber horde 10 to 1 in world pvp thanks to blizzard not caring about how much racials effect pvp. Nerf shadowmeld. Tichon is a big problem as well, overpopulated with kids wanting to be like the streamers. Just put them on there own shard away from everyone else blizzard.