Alliance doing Scarlet Monastery

Because Bonebiter is a great quest reward.

I never understood going through WPL to get there, always seemed like a quicker journey to just go north past Dalaran in Hillsbrad or as you enter Silverpine and around Lake Lordaemere.

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I will be starting as Horde this time around but was Alliance in Vanilla. SM was one of my favorite dungeons. I would imagine that I am not alone in that.

One of my fondest memories was our first run. We had to run there from Southshore. The guy who was leading us was telling us to make sure our bags were empty because of all the loot. I hadn’t even been in the area up to that point. We were running by and I saw this massive structure and asked “Is that the Scarlet Monastery?”. Nope, it was the Undercity. I was that new and everything seemed like magic. Those were the days.


the point is grabbing the flight path so you don’t need to later. Minor time save for leveling. the difference in speed for getting there is minor enough not to matter and if you ever make consecutive trips, flying to WPL is faster than flying to southshore.

North past Dalaran, without flying, will take you through the Western Plaguelands.

You can run all the way through Silverpine; it’ll take longer but involve 100% fewer level ?? bears.

Run towards the lake and thej skirt the city walls, way faster and way safer… Unless you know about the secret path behind the undercity…

It all depends on what you wanna do. I was a “run through Hillsbrad right past the front gate of Undercity” girl, but there was also a benefit to running from WPL. The turtles you kill on the way from Chillwind are more valuable than the cats you kill on the way through Hillsbrad. You also avoid the huge swimming section through murloc-infested waters, and if you’re mounted…it’s an easier ride.

SM has value all the way from like 30 to 42-ish. You can spend a lot of time there.

But as I spent time at the Monastery in Tirisfal Glades I realized that their grasp on reality was slipping. They now think everyone is plagued who doesn’t wear the tabard of the Crusade. Innocent men and women were tortured because they were supposedly plagued.

The Scarlet Crusade must be crushed in the name of the Light. You, adventurer, must destroy the deranged regime.


The gear!! I loves me the scarlet gear on my warrior with the tabard. Ohhh and the ravager axe!! Those are the main reasons. Good xp too!

Because its fun!

I had forgotten the TABARD!

Also the caster helm that drops in there is like BiS until you hit blue dungeons around 55-60.

Ironforge chat:


edit - below, I forgot it was Chasm. :sunglasses:

I wanna know if either faction is going to try ragefire Chasm and stockades at at level

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The way into WPL is northeast up through Alterac Mountain, you can skirt alongside the lake and the southern side of the Undercity.

Just tell me your dirty secrets!

SK is also for pally quest. So I will have to be there.

It’s fun…

It just wouldn’t be the same if Alliance stayed clear of SM. Also, I would never ever attempt to deny them entry. Come one, come all, I say. :sunglasses:

I’ve got a quest to deliver something to Whitemane in there.

They are zealot bigots they hate anything that is not a living human that includes dwarfs, Night elf’s, Gnomes and any one who is friends with non humans.