Alliance doing Scarlet Monastery

Why would you do that?

So I can gank some horde outside, why else?


Because it’s there? Why wouldn’t they run SM?


Because I want the Tabard.

/cries in Scarlet.


I will also be running the razorfin zones, wailing caverns, and shadowfang keep!


Umm, good gear? Easy excellent 1 hander from a quest? To see the world? To spread peace love and happiness? Or something?


Gear that lasts till the 50’s.


I will be running this countless times until i get that Chapeau! and mace

mic feedback is this a troll?

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because they have a quest to do it

Have to assert our dominance.

That’s cute. You think you’re the one going to be doing the ganking.

Quests and some gear that will last you 10+ levels.

Good luck ganking people who won’t be flagged unless they attack you first.

Unless they fixed it since beta, the PVP flag resets as soon as you enter an instance.

But otherwise, the gear in there is too sweet to skip.

Why not?? lol

Because it’s my favorite low-level dungeon and the Scarlet Crusade are a bunch of fantical bad guys and because there are always level-appropriate Horde to get into shenanigans with outside?

You realize Alliance have quests in SM too, right?

So many World of Warcraft rookies on these forums.


1- it’s got a ridiculously good quest reward
2- it’s very fast and easy experience grinding while you’re there
3- you can grab WPL flight path on the way up and it’s incredibly convenient to do so
why wouldn’t you?


laughs in Horde Territory

Because Bonebiter is a great quest reward.

I never understood going through WPL to get there, always seemed like a quicker journey to just go north past Dalaran in Hillsbrad or as you enter Silverpine and around Lake Lordaemere.

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