[Alliance] DK or Pally more suited to WotLK lore and campaign storyline?

and which race?

NE DK. DKs get special interactions throughout the campaign. I don’t believe pallies (or any other class) does. NE because they have the best interaction with the hostage in the started zone.

Human DK or Pally would be fitting. WoTLK focused a lot on Human stuff Alliance side.

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Death knight, in order to go through the Wrath starting zone and for the special interactions throughout the campaign. Any of the DKs that use the Wrath starter zone are good, but thematically I’d go for either Forsaken, Human, or Blood Elf to fit the Warcraft III history with Arthas.

thank you everyone! created my human DK.

Feels like all expansion focus on human alliance side.

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