Alliance Criminal Guild

Looking for a Heavy RP Criminal Guild. Decided not to go with Onyx. There are special conditions…

Define heavy? Like petty crime running some kind of good out of Old Town. White collar like hitting the fancy artifacts in Dalaran? Some of everything because screw factions?



Just a guild that rp’s pretty frequently. Active is a good word. Events at least once a week. I guess heavier would be more frequent but beggars can’t be choosers. Also some of everything wouldn’t hurt.

If Piracy suits you, TKC is active with Social and D20 events weekly. Some Trade/Business rp throughout the week

The Blackwater Company may fit. We are a busy guild but also run a community. You could check out our tavern that we do on Tuesdays where many guilds frequent and maybe find a guild or just some regular friends. The Discord for the Tavenr also hosts other events under the Free Seas community.
