Alliance Census at the end of Week 1

This is what I have so far:

imgur . com/a/s33k512

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No surprises. Rogues on PvE will be down with druids. Even lower on Alliance side.

This is really cool, thanks! Any chance the tool can cut out certain populations? for instance, only display warriors or show class distribution above level 20?

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Yes! You have to have the add-on installed, but once you do and it’s collected the requisite information, you can filter down and see more specific stats!

Oh wow, I forgot all about that addon. 13,443 Ally. We’ll need to get a Horde census to compare.

Here’s where to upload the data to. There is no data on Old Blanchy yet. Man some of those servers are so unbalanced, lol
wowpop . appspot . com

I’ve installed the addon and will post once I’ve scanned a large enough section of the players.

imgur . com/P1LMpUX.png

This is the incomplete horde census so far today.

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