Alliance Call to Arms!

I'm more apt to give TAE the benefit of the doubt in this instance because they're just trying to compete with the overwhelming number of Horde on ED compared to Alliance. Many of us may disagree with their methods, most of us don't enjoy those 1 fps clusterf***s, but I get that their end-goal is matching the Horde's numbers.

I also recall that they were willing to put some ego aside and be helpful to the RP community during the last RP-PvP campaign near the end of Legion, so I think with the right approach they can contribute in a positive and constructive way.
10/31/2018 08:25 AMPosted by Nearo
I'm more apt to give TAE the benefit of the doubt in this instance because they're just trying to compete with the overwhelming number of Horde on ED compared to Alliance. Many of us may disagree with their methods, most of us don't enjoy those 1 fps clusterf***s, but I get that their end-goal is matching the Horde's numbers.

I also recall that they were willing to put some ego aside and be helpful to the RP community during the last RP-PvP campaign near the end of Legion, so I think with the right approach they can contribute in a positive and constructive way.

That was when Charlie was there
OH this is starting to get serious CAD is here now.

All guilds add cad the horde machine is about to go down with the help of tae and combined ED alliance forces. Horde will lose the battle on emerald dream
10/31/2018 08:04 AMPosted by Kasanyatsumi
u have no rbg experience or arena 0 rated, no achs what skill are you on about? RP skills? and you have 1200 hks.

And you're posting on a lvl 1 alt in an attempt to hide your main. And based on your first post, I'm going to assume that you're in Cryptids. Which is an insult in itself.
Calls to Arms has been answered by the Alliance forces on Emerald Dream.

Clan BattleHammer
The Ashen Vale
Cry Havoc
Coldridge Company
Kul Tiras Marines
Alliance Empire

All join forces to fight the horde filth, time is up, add each other, arrange a meeting in game bring your raids to see what kind of numbers you can pull off. It is time for action, it is time to prepare for battle alliance heroes Answer the call
Ay be killin’ de Alliance fo fun....but dees offrealmers....I carve dem up reeaal niiice.
I'm your huckleberry.
10/31/2018 09:23 AMPosted by Jalen
10/31/2018 08:04 AMPosted by Kasanyatsumi
u have no rbg experience or arena 0 rated, no achs what skill are you on about? RP skills? and you have 1200 hks.

And you're posting on a lvl 1 alt in an attempt to hide your main. And based on your first post, I'm going to assume that you're in Cryptids. Which is an insult in itself.

I am not in cryptids, but I do support his philosophies for warmode as much as I dont like them xD
10/31/2018 09:37 AMPosted by Dansamdi
Ay be killin’ de Alliance fo fun....but dees offrealmers....I carve dem up reeaal niiice.

Save me some of their skulls. I need to adorn my armor with more of them.
10/31/2018 09:32 AMPosted by Kasanyatsumi
Calls to Arms has been answered by the Alliance forces on Emerald Dream.

Clan BattleHammer
The Ashen Vale
Cry Havoc
Coldridge Company
Kul Tiras Marines
Alliance Empire

All join forces to fight the horde filth, time is up, add each other, arrange a meeting in game bring your raids to see what kind of numbers you can pull off. It is time for action, it is time to prepare for battle alliance heroes Answer the call

Alliance must unite to fight these horde filth from these lands.
I just want to make one thing clear horde ed is willing to do fair number fights they onyl reason we hade to mass numbers if tae does not want a fight unlees the out number us 10 to 1. We had not form the 70 man raid for clanbattle hammer just the attack are city just fter we had deal with tae and a lfm gorunp who try to out number us. This whole you do not have nuber to match ed horde is notthing but bull!@#$ as we not looking for number fights just so fun fights were both side cna enjoy as honest i do not belive anyone on horde side enjoy the lag feast we having to deal with now as we real do not enjoy server crashs and being part of the reason it happens
does that lvl 1 thing above somewhere think...Large scale wpvp is solely what this about. I used the rallying call to just help me in drustvar last night, and was fun (even though we were massacred, was still fun to get to know people on the server that I didn't realize played in warmode)
10/31/2018 10:24 AMPosted by Aglaica
does that lvl 1 thing above somewhere think...Large scale wpvp is solely what this about. I used the rallying call to just help me in drustvar last night, and was fun (even though we were massacred, was still fun to get to know people on the server that I didn't realize played in warmode)

Fear not, you were avenged after.
10/31/2018 10:18 AMPosted by Sonrun
I just want to make one thing clear horde ed is willing to do fair number fights they onyl reason we hade to mass numbers if tae does not want a fight unlees the out number us 10 to 1. We had not form the 70 man raid for clanbattle hammer just the attack are city just fter we had deal with tae and a lfm gorunp who try to out number us. This whole you do not have nuber to match ed horde is notthing but bull!@#$ as we not looking for number fights just so fun fights were both side cna enjoy as honest i do not belive anyone on horde side enjoy the lag feast we having to deal with now as we real do not enjoy server crashs and being part of the reason it happens

Yeah server crashes are lame, nobody likes spamming abilitys hoping they cast then getting logged then relogging back to where you started. And to those who cause said lag fests, you fight without honor. It's not a matter of fairness (war isn't fair) but it's a matter of being realistic about wow's servers. One day I hope for a wow that can sustain these high number fights, but till then, we have to accept it's limitations for the sake of stable gameplay.
10/31/2018 10:28 AMPosted by Mathion
10/31/2018 10:18 AMPosted by Sonrun
I just want to make one thing clear horde ed is willing to do fair number fights they onyl reason we hade to mass numbers if tae does not want a fight unlees the out number us 10 to 1. We had not form the 70 man raid for clanbattle hammer just the attack are city just fter we had deal with tae and a lfm gorunp who try to out number us. This whole you do not have nuber to match ed horde is notthing but bull!@#$ as we not looking for number fights just so fun fights were both side cna enjoy as honest i do not belive anyone on horde side enjoy the lag feast we having to deal with now as we real do not enjoy server crashs and being part of the reason it happens

Yeah server crashes are lame, nobody likes spamming abilitys hoping they cast then getting logged then relogging back to where you started. And to those who cause said lag fests, you fight without honor. It's not a matter of fairness (war isn't fair) but it's a matter of being realistic about wow's servers. One day I hope for a wow that can sustain these high number fights, but till then, we have to accept it's limitations for the sake of stable gameplay.
I honestly do too, now that i do not have a toaster like the past :)
10/31/2018 10:35 AMPosted by Aglaica
10/31/2018 10:28 AMPosted by Mathion

Yeah server crashes are lame, nobody likes spamming abilitys hoping they cast then getting logged then relogging back to where you started. And to those who cause said lag fests, you fight without honor. It's not a matter of fairness (war isn't fair) but it's a matter of being realistic about wow's servers. One day I hope for a wow that can sustain these high number fights, but till then, we have to accept it's limitations for the sake of stable gameplay.
I honestly do too, now that i do not have a toaster like the past :)

I think about how even in instanced Southshore v Tarren Mill where it's only 40 v 40 and the servers can't even handle that.

Makes you wonder WTF our subscription fees are even paying for lol.
10/31/2018 09:23 AMPosted by Jalen
10/31/2018 08:04 AMPosted by Kasanyatsumi
u have no rbg experience or arena 0 rated, no achs what skill are you on about? RP skills? and you have 1200 hks.

And you're posting on a lvl 1 alt in an attempt to hide your main. And based on your first post, I'm going to assume that you're in Cryptids. Which is an insult in itself.

Highly doubtful. To Cryptids, ED is just one of many realms where they carry the war to the Horde.

Most likely an AE alt, or perhaps a ED Horde alt taking the opportunity to crow over Horde victories.
10/31/2018 07:22 AMPosted by Strongbow
10/31/2018 02:11 AMPosted by Yarrow
However, we've found it more useful for our purposes to avoid discrimination based on realm or realm type.

You're implying that we're somehow discriminating against other realms for wanting to rally our friends on ED to fight enemies also from ED. We welcome anyone who for example wants to try wpvp or rp-pvp to join us and see what it's all about. I even extended an invite to you all (still stands) to join up and fight the Horde.

The point i think you are missing is that we wont ever pad our numbers with LFG just to fight Horde that we know and respect on ED.

The above level 1 troll poster exemplifies what we are trying to avoid, 100 man raids to fight 25 horde and gloating about being "victorious"....

I'm an rp nerd so i find honor in fair fights and satisfaction in stealth ganking enemy guilds. We don't enjoy getting in to a fight and asking 100 strangers to back us up.

Hope this clarifies things and the invitation still stands with your Alliance Council. Actually we would welcome it if the Horde guilds are notified before that you all would be joining us. I'll talk with Nearo and mention it to the Horde bastards.

That does clarify things, especially the parts about how you respect Horde and about notifying them before attacking.

And I do get how some people think of roleplaying as setting up scripted stories, and how they think the way to handle PVP battles is to prearrange the sides as part of their script.

Me, that's not the kind of roleplaying I like to do. I prefer to avoid prearranged, scripted events; for me it's more immersive to play my character, just interacting with the world that Blizzard has set up.

The Alliance Council was set up to support that more immersive form of roleplay. We're not going to be notifying Horde of anything, any more than they can be counted on to notify Alliance Council before every Horde gank attempt on one of our members. Notification and scripting breaks immersion.

I do have a suggestion for you: if you want to prearrange your battles with the Horde, and you don't want randoms joining in if they happen to come upon you, restrict it to war games so you're not imposing yourself on random passers by. Or, hold it in old world zones which are not cross realmed so you won't have to worry about people like me being randomly sharded into your battles.
Trust me it's not scripted
10/31/2018 12:20 PMPosted by Yarrow
The Alliance Council was set up to support that more immersive form of roleplay. We're not going to be notifying Horde of anything, any more than they can be counted on to notify Alliance Council before every Horde gank attempt on one of our members. Notification and scripting breaks immersion.
Think the notification thing is usually regulated to cross faction storylines, not all WPVP such as a random gank, that would be ridiculous.

Yarrow, this doesnt exclude any of the realms forced to crz with us at all. Just because the Allied guilds want to make a raid group of allied guilds on ED, to WPVP with, doesnt exclude people from the CRZ'd servers for hopping in at all. Why would we want to regulate things to wargames, they are not fun at all. The only things we were asking our own server players is to not use the LFG to pull a billion illidan tich bh players here. It affects you not at all, why is it such a big deal?

ED is not known as a wargame or rbg or arena server, we were an RPPVP realm due to our vast amount of WPVP and were the WPVP mecca for the longest time due to the strong bonds between guilds and factions. Those bonds were all broken prior to BFA and we are trying to repair the alliances as best we know how.

10/31/2018 12:20 PMPosted by Yarrow
I prefer to avoid prearranged, scripted events; for me it's more immersive to play my character, just interacting with the world that Blizzard has set up.
And see, just pending on walkup RP would be a killer to me, not to mention so many events would of been total bore if the alliance or horde had not been notified of them (such as my apothecary campaign few years ago, horde made their way a zone a week till they got to duskwood, it would of been quick had alliance not known of it and sent forces to stop the apothecaries and blight from making it to duskwood)

After reading That is basically all TAV is attempting to do, just inserver