Alliance bias was a problem since MoP

The trolls brought many of these problems on themselves. Their overly territorial behavior invertedly created the Alliance and the Night Elves, at the time were just became the new world power over the trolls. That’s just the way of things.

I’m talking about a possible AU timeline where the Alliance invades the Horde and starts a war. Not the Horde being driven back through the dark portal and the Alliance coming to kick their green butts some more for attacking them. Also you do realize in the many instances where the Horde wins, everyone loses, right? Including the Horde, who would likely just start to fight amongst themselves while despoiling Azeroth.

You get high on that supremacy complex being feeded any time? 20 years of Blizzard spoiling the alliance has created this toxic community.

Defending your territory against people who had no business expanding into it. All current alliance races are guilty of this.


But I’m not wrong though. Like, let’s stop pretending the Horde were ever the good guys before Warcraft 3.

There is a difference from defending your homeland from invaders and being a bunch of territorial hillbillies. A trait that even the nelves inherited when they attacked the orcs without warning. Despite being the more advanced and older race, they showed no attempt at diplomacy and attacked anything that even considered being in what the trolls deemed to be theirs.

Nobody wants to deal with that kind of behavior and promptly put them in their place. Trolls continue to be the biggest losers often because of their own stupid choices.

There is no diplomacy with Kaldorei or humans. They need to go back where they came from. In that case Ulduar and Nazjatar. All continental land is troll turf.

Congrats you defeatd the palestine argument.

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So its okay when the trolls are being imperialistic and greedy, hogging an entire continent. But its bad when the Alliance does it? Should every other race that isnt a troll get on their knees and beg them for scraps?

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Considering it’s practically the other way around that point holds no weight. And the trolls settled on empty land. The humans and elves spilled blood because they took it from them. And last. The west of ancient Kalimdor was not taken by anyone. The elves could have gone there but decided to waged war for all of it when Azshara rose to power.

And the eredar who destroyed at least 100.000 worlds and then got scot free by saying that in fact they are not them, because now they are called draenei. What do they deserve?

At least the orcs face their crimes head on, they don’t change the race’s name to say they actually had nothing to do with it.

By the way, the orcs also had several members of their race that did not participate in the destruction promoted by the old Horde. And they didn’t change their name for that. If the draenei can be considered a trusting and benevolent race, why can’t the orcs?

Even because, as far as it is known for the second time, the draenei embarked on a power trip being seduced by another entity of great power, but I already know, this is not valid since Alliance players call it a “bad plot” or “hur dur Yrel did nothing wrong”.

So spare us your hypocrisy, no race in Warcraft is innocent or can be considered the worst of all.


Thats just wrong. He had bad intentions, but he helped cement his peoples good relations with thralls horde.

Which is the most goblin thing ever. The horde accepts outcasts, that was their Schtick at one point. He was the leader for years.

The undead were suspicious as well. They still aligned with the Horde.

You seem to think betraying your faction means they are no longer a character affiliated with that faction. It’s wrong. They are affiliated because they allied at one point.


Why would the highborn risk conflict with Malfurion and the Night Elves? They wanted to be as far as away from Kalimdor as possible. They didn’t go to Eastern Kingdoms with the intention of starting a conflict with a bunch of trolls. And again, the trolls were attacking humans for “trespassing” and could have wiped them out. They were the one’s in power in this situation, not the elves or the humans and in the end they chose violence. And that violence would end up setting the groundwork for the Alliance so I suppose their pride and grudge bearing achieved some good for Azeroth.

They deserve a home and peace of mind. The eredar draenei are all that remains of what the eredar once were, with the eredar manari no longer even being considered humanoid. They’re full blown demons! I wouldn’t want to be associated with literal demons.

And proceeded to learn nothing as they repeat their warmongering, not once but twice after supposedly being the good guys. You know, until someone naughty takes the throne and suddenly they are all about being bloodthirsty conquerors again.

You mean the Mag’har orcs? It’s strange that they are called the Mag’har. It’s almost like they don’t’ want to be associated with the actions of the Old Horde and demon corruption or something. Sounds a little familiar…

Well the draenei crash landed on Azeroth and were refugees looking for a home. They found friends among the alliance by chance(or Velen’s visions)and their shared faith in the Light. Despite being aliens that resembled demons that attacked Azeroth before they have proven to be staunch allies.

When the orcs came to Azeroth, they tried to massacre everyone, were filled with demon blood and mercilessly slaughtered countless people. They were savage monsters from another world until Warcraft 3.

The draenei fled from the evil. The orcs embraced it and only started regretting it after they came down from their drug high.

I actually have no qualms with the AU draenei and find it interesting while impatiently waiting for Blizzard to reveal more. Though I get the impression that neither the AU mag’har or the AU lightbound draenei are responsible for their dying world and it is more because of the timeline dying. Yrel becoming “evil” makes her character more interesting as she came off as just another bland goody two shoes.

What hypocrisy? I never said every other race in warcraft was innocent. Just that some races have a lot more blood on their hands than others and that those sends are not so easily forgotten or forgiven especially with how Thrall’s Horde keeps repeating the same mistakes of the Old Horde. It makes them look deceitful and cowardly.

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No all it did was to cement the human power fantasy because every time they are close to losing they take their magic ex machina card. Blizzard is playing favorites with the alliance races. And the Orcs and Trolls are usually getting the short end.

I said Azshara. The ancient elves. They could have stayed close to the well of eternity but they expanded their empire by force.

Same as night elves to Orcs. But Blizzard painted them in the right. Double standard strikes again.

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Mag’haris merely a title bro, they are still called orcs.

Who said they didn’t learn? Wasn’t Garrosh overthrown by the Horde and killed by an orc? Wasn’t Sylvanas exposed as a lunatic by an orc?

Yes, the Horde is a violent faction with a lot of monsters in the closet, but the Horde at least owns up to its mistakes. The Alliance assumes none or tries at all costs to disassociate itself from them. If we are going to follow this narrative of past villains then we will have to talk about Arthas, Daelin and Garithos.

But then again, they are not the real Alliance, because only you can demarcate a line where the real Alliance timeline begins.

As Illidan put it, the draenei are cowards who fled at the first opportunity rather than stay and fight for the souls of their people. I’m sorry you won’t convince me with that speech of poor draenei, look how they are persecuted.

If a dictator emerges tomorrow as the leader of my people and goes around killing people, and I just run away, that doesn’t mean I’m a good person. I would just be a coward concerned merely with my well-being.

As Illidan explained in the plot of Legion Velen is a coward who hid behind his religious fanaticism to justify his omission. He never really tried to save the eredar people, he just had what Niezstche called slave morals. That’s why I always thought he was a pathetic character.

And please stop comparing the corruption of draenei to that of orcs, you’re just being profoundly fallacious. The draenei were the most powerful mortal race in the universe, so powerful that Sargeras could only approach them in an honest way. With the orcs the process was totally different. The orcs were deceived, while the draenei succumbed to promises of intergalactic power and conquest.

I know that for you the corruption that matters is the one that justifies your biases. The corruption of the most intelligent people in the universe who were seduced by promises of power has never been and never will be the same as the corruption of a people who were merely nomads who lived in huts and worshiped stones.

There is an immense difference in the discernment capacity of the orcs and the draenei in the moments in which the corruption of the two races took place. The irony of it all is that you apparently don’t understand that the Legion knew that they would not succeed to seduce the orcs with promises of power, whereas with the draenei they easily managed to seduce them in the most vile way possible. This speaks volumes about which race is most corrupt.

It is literally shown in Turalyon’s audiobook that worlds corrupted by light put the natives in crystals in eternal stasis and that the world undergoes a process of desertification because of the light.

Exactly the same thing is happening in Draenor and you still think that there is some room for contradiction, and that in fact what we saw explicitly is not what happened.

The truth is that the draenei are highly susceptible to corruption and it seems that without Velen’s moral anchor, even a starfish is capable of making them embark on a new power trip due to delusions of power.

Exactly the hypocrisy you demonstrate here. I’m sorry the lore doesn’t start in Warcraft 1. It’s not up to you to draw the line from where we can start talking about corruption. Even because we are talking about a universe in which it is common to have the existence of immortal races.

The races most responsible for everything that happened in Warcraft were the eredars and kaldorei.

I find it amazing how the orc race is judged as a collective for their crimes, but draenei and kaldorei go through a process of individualization of responsibility. The corruption of these races is not due to Aszhara, Kil’jaeden and Archimonde, it is due to the fact that these races were highly susceptible to corruption.

This is exactly the argument that was used to hold the entire German people responsible for the consequences of WWII. Omission is not innocence.


Whom No one cared about in light of the dozens of bad apples the Horde had.

why are you here then? Did you get banned on the European forums? if so does this not count as ban evasion?

Erevien reminds of those dudes who are just intense about everything and blow everything out of proportion :+1:

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One could say Alliance Bias has been a problem since the start of WoW - they got extra love and care and Dev time at the Game’s inception, and the Horde was just lacking in content.

I leveled to 60 Horde side in Vanilla and remember spending the last few levels grinding mobs a lot, because Quests were so few and far between. Turns out, the Alliance Bias was a thing even further back than MoP.


No race in Azeroth’s history has more genocidal blood on their hands than the night elves.
Pax Nelfana was heckin insane.