Alliance BG frustration

I can sometimes sit here all day and not get my dailies…does anyone have a group that would welcome a MM hunter to do premade daily BG activites? I play mostly on the weekends

If you want to be part of the cheating trash community, they majority play Alliance because they are meta slaves… but little piece of advice if you want the game to get better don’t join the people destroying it.


I am not interested in joinging cheaters, just people who want to try and win

Lots of people want to try and win. It’s the reason people pvp. What people don’t want is unfair matches because of cheaters. I would gladly lose if it was a good game as the majority of players would agree.

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Where are you getting this cheater topic from?

Never played in a community. Never will. Win lots!
Besides epic bgs aren’t really PvP. If it is it’s like the kindergarten level of PvP. Do rated you will meet a ton of really skilled players and none of them belong to little bg communities

Just ignore him he rage posts every thread and says everything is cheating. :sob::skull:

Incorrect I say exploiting the queue system to get an entire raid into bg’s is cheating because it is. Also never once have I “rage posted”. But as normal the same people come to attack and gaslight lol

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