Alliance BfA allied races are really ugly

Alliance Allied Races… fat humans and ugly mecha gnomes

Horde allied Races … slim muscular trolls and cute foxes.

Is it a wonder that people dont play Alliance as much?



Nobody loves me.


I was told my beauty rivals that of the Dark Lady.


I think you get a pass if you only play guardian/feral. I do love those forms. Just don’t ever shift out of them.

Nobody loves me either. But I don’t care because for the first time I can have a warrior with visible scars on her face.

But if they ever add Vrykul then Mel here will be losing some fat and gaining some muscle mass.


I mainly play Cat Druid on this alt of mine, I’m a big fan of wooden monsters! And I like the scarred face option too. My DH uses the scar option as well, I just like how it looks.

Hey. They are by far our best tank race. Not [just] because of racials, but because they’re absolute units. When a KT is tanking for you, you just feel safe.

You’re being lured into a false sense of security.

It’s truly over for the Alliance. If Blizzard doesn’t have a solution for Shadowlands then I don’t see how we can be saved.


Can confirm. When I’m wearing my Arathi warfront plate in prot spec I look like a giant pile of armor that moves.

Thicc Kul Tiran women are delicious. Needs more sl**mogs.

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I’m sorry someone insulted you.


I bet you smell a whole lot nicer though.


this is how the developers have designed the game, to favor the Horde. How is that even news these days?

“You no have horse? We give you more horse!”

Dark Iron Dwarves and Void Elves are the best looking AR hands down. I love the flaming and void hair. They both also have the coolest AR mounts.


You are quite handsome. Don’t ever listen to anyone talking negative of you and your Kul Tiran brethren. :heart:


Yeah… especially the female, it is embarrassing.
I would’ve liked to be a male Kul Tiran Paladin. Big and bulky plate-wearing fantasy trope, etc etc.

But I agree. The Alliance Allied races leave much to be desired… :sweat_smile:

Ugly? Me?

Not a chance.

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404 :man_shrugging:
