I had to log onto my level 18 alliance character to try and cordinate how to help out some poor alliance level 40-50 characters that where in the same boat as me; Being unable to accept quests or speak to the ferals emarld dream vendor becuase the level 62 elite green dragonkins are blocking them both. The vendor not only sells catnip horde side but is ALSO is where the low level quests for incursions are handed out. we both agreed… ITS SOME ABSOLUTE BULLSH*T those dragons 3 shot me as a fully geared level 60 tank.
Either add the elite guards back onto the correct (non-dream) side where the elite dragons spawn, or just remove those elites.
- TEMPORARY WORKAROUND! * For both alliance and horde if you pull the draongs and then run to the water and have another party member run to the quest giver and accept the quests and WAHLA, you can accept your incursion quests AND OR get your catnip from the vendor. (but please stop making both sides do this crap.) Clearly its not intended.