Alleria redesign

Yeah, you’re definitely off base here.


Said it before and will say it again. Not a fan… much prefer her prior model and aesthetic. Oh well, times change.

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She looks old but has perfect skin and no particularly age-defining features, it’s a little weird to describe.

Not as many as you think.

… what does that term even actually mean…?


Hey… you.

Yea, you. Post in the Naga thread.

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Needs the marks on her cheeks like the concept art.

The Alleria redesign has been on the internet for months. I have no idea why you’d assume “they used AI to make this” rather than “AI used this to make its description,” given…you know…that’s literally how the theft engine of that generative crap works.

how does that make it any better? “guys they may be using ai to make their own low effort bottom of the barrel designs to avoid paying artists BUT AT LEAST THEY ARENT STEALING.”

Oh sorry lol, weird for some reason it’s not popping up I had to search for it!

I hope I posted in the right one!
Love the ideas and the timing would be perfect IMO with the unification of the elves… ooooo the drama Azshara can bring throwing her royal ego at Thalyssra and trying to use her charms at her husband!! EEEee! I can see that cat fight getting lots of eyes on!


To be fair, chicks I knew in high school back in the 2000’s did this too.

The Critical Drinker says that too! :rofl:

TWW hasn’t even come out and I already really really miss her gold and green aesthetic, it was immediately identifiable as her and super cool. On first glance at a still image, I don’t like how white her new costume is, but my guess is that it’s so white to make her purple void powers pop more, like splashing glowing purple paint on a white canvas. I’m not going to get bent out of shape about it though, and don’t (usually) mind character design changing over time.

I think that this was probably intended by the Art team… When I studied Art I remember vividly how Light had a spectrum of 7 colors that when united became white… However when it comes to “Fisical Colors” the color tables are HUGE and seem almost limitless and if you combine them all it makes Black…while ironically color white was sometimes describe as an empty canvas like you said and in the spectrum of Light it’s the absence of those colors that defines Black!

In a fantasy setting you can play with this different concepts of visual color of energy and matter (fisical color) to create the most unique lore… a White Void full of nothing waiting to be filled or a Black Void full of swarling Chaos waiting to be shape could be an example of popular fantasy themes!

Sorry got carried away but I just wanted to point out that your observation might be spot on as to why such a palpable change why that look was chosen for her in TWW.

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You have literally no reason to assume they used AI in the first place, other than some specious “I don’t like it, therefore it must be AI” nonsense.

It… kinda looks generic and/or formulaic.


its a trend in western gaming, apparently women are not attractive and being so is an ‘unattainable beauty standard’. so all women have to be boxy and/or mannish in appearance. sucks to be a naturally attractive woman these days, because somehow you no longer exist.


Really hope that we get Alleria’s new hairstyle for use for our PCs. I need that for my Void/Blood elf lock.

Nah, Alleria looks great.

The same reason we now have blood elves who look like they just popped out of a toaster on the highest setting.



That is a change that should have never been made and honestly is disrespectful to the people they were trying to be “inclusive” too.

We could argue that all day long. The problem is that just like LotR: the rings of power, these out of touch producers think differently and guess who’s actually making the content?

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