Alleria is a Clown

You can’t trust me with that kind of power I have a lot of intrusive thoughts


How would you react if I preemptively told you I was going to trust you with that kind of power?

I bet you’d be surprised when I then trusted you. As Xal’atath would be.

The good ol’:


I have a feeling Danuser wrote this lol
Reeks of Tyrande chasing Sylvanas as the night warrior.

There isn’t even any rule of cool in any of this… just feels contrived and silly for alleria to keep going head on then having the arrow to the dark heart moment which honestly ~ ONCE AGAIN LACKED THE PAY OFF. This feels like they are trying to do the beginning, middle, and end all within a span of a few minutes.

Xa’latath and her speech then also didn’t help. More tell, no show… which ruined it for me.


Arthas is a clown.

Yeah, I said it. The whole story he acts like he’s gonna do something, save his people, only to fall short every single time and monumentally mess up and get exiled out of his home. Literally.

How could he not understand Mal’Ganis holds a massive control over the scourge? Because his power in the light is way less than Mal’Ganis empowered by Fel, just misleads him and gaslights him the whole time. Is basic knowledge that ego whispers in your ear coaxing you to do crap not basic for a Paladin?

Seriously can we get some main characters that aren’t obsessed broken people that can’t even function or think properly?

I said a week or so ago that Alleria had an imminent “scratches Xal with an arrow and it’s seen as this massive W moment for her” coming up. A la Saurfang and Sylv.

And they did not disappoint. At all.


My lordy that was such a cheesy line lmao
I bet when they wrote it, they thought it was masterful :laughing:

Also; considering Xalatath knows that dark heart thing is very important… says she went through all this stuff and is all powerful… yet fails to protect that dark heart thingg… :man_facepalming:

Predictable writing… what can I say

Xalatath is gonna end up being some Sylvanas Void nightmare baby :rofl:
She even escaped as a puff of smoke like Sylvanas did after the Saurfang fight.


Well we do know that is not her body. I am thinking she has found a more suitable host. side eyes mage we thought was dead

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Oh nooo… gonna pull a drenden now :sweat_smile:
It would not surprise me

What I really want is for Xalatath to kill Arator take over his body and force Alleria to “kill” her son. Making Alleria full embrace the void losing her mind giving Xalatath what she really wanted. A body perfectly suited to channel void energies.

The time for harvest is near Alleria. I am just a twist undead warlock.


I’d rather they didn’t McGuffin her through the Dalaran scene and Dadghar turned her into purple kool-aid all across the floor.

Well shot some kinda mirror, that’s 10 years bad luck

when bad writers write bad characters. they need to lower the brain bar low enough for their logics to make sense.

when this happens we get the plethora of terrible main characters you see in light novels and litrpgs that drown the market constantly. sometimes these writers get lucky with something and becomes popular. suddenly they are writing terrible stories to higher bill paying companies.

this is whats happening now.

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holy- YES. Tyrande was basically the same. running around moping about, popping up randomly, doing absolutely nothing, and then at the end still doesn’t kill Sylvanas. What a goofy A- story arc.

I can only hope that mages eventually get the giga Laser arcane beam only for it to be as useful as Khadgars.


That’s exactly right, and writers who create shallow “white hat / black hat” characters are bad writers. Good writers give their characters depth. The heroes have flaws, the villains have a troubling type of charm.

This is why Alleria is a good character and an example of good writing. She’s not perfect. He has her flaws, she makes her mistakes.

Shes an idiot with no clue how her powers work stumbling around in the dark. She at the very end barely made the correct choice and killed the McGuffin. She is not heroic in any regard. The best things she has done was run off screen and shoot some nerubians like a redneck shot-gunning squirrels.

The only one throughout the current story that has any semblance of a hero is Anduin. His story wasn’t the best but it at least had some consistency.

Edit: Correction on my part. Faerin is probably the most heroic character in the current story. Anduins new mentor totally not girlfriend.


There is a difference between “having character flaws” and “making mistakes” and just being a bumbling ball of failure and incompetence all the way up to your token moment. Which is exactly how it has gone down for her so far.

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She is heroic. What you don’t understand is that “heroic” is a facade. Behind every hero is someone who will tell you “If you are not scared out of your mind in these situations, you don’t understand the problem”. A hero is someone who overcomes their fear, pushes beyond their shortcomings and gets the job done anyway.

I agree with you on the first part but disagree Alleria is a well written character just because she chronically makes poor choices and gives in to impulsive behavior. She has a personal stake in it but just acts like a teenager. Anduin, while I feel his ptsd recovery arc is too short at least had some character development. Alleria is just zooming off yelling no time to talk get in the car.

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I barely made it through season one of that thing… and have read that season two is way worse.


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