Alleria Alliance Reconnections

Dunkle & Aqii Good to hear from ya! you two were the only names i could really remember from back then. Hope to see ya on classic
LLordtyler NE Hunter

Right. Yeah a few of us transitioned to NE for a while. My roommate was a Rogue named Durf. I still give Night Eternal the award for favorite guild name.

EDIT: I haven’t used these forums since they changed and am getting all turned around with who I’m actually replying to… hence having to delete some things.

Now those are two names I’ve not heard of in a long time. I’m not Avix but I knew him in real life. Him and Asien. They got me into the game. Snakedoc, you may not remember that name but I sure as heck remember you! :smiley: Also I think the guild was called Praetorians or something like that.

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This is Naz couldn’t get the name to show. Probably defaults to the last char played :slightly_smiling_face:

Darazul night elf warrior from Righteous Ire and Saveme human paladin

Played with:

Hi. Ill be playing something on whatever PVE realm everyone decides to migrate to, which looks like Pagle. Started vanilla in Shadow Riders, ended in Tranquility.

Vanilla characters were Kamorcirrus/Kmartcirrus, mage.

Feel free to come say hi to me Kmarticus#1106


Id love an invite to the discord !

Sup everyone.

Back then I was Xipher, a mage in the guild called Exium. I remember quite a few of you and these guild names I am seeing bring back memories.

See you in Classic!!!

You and Dal find me on VanillaFriends and shoot me a message. Tholaris on Alleria. I’ll send you an invite. I sent you an in game mail but I am not sure if you log on at all.

Y’all remember Metus? Yea I still hate that guy.

Where are my Surreal pals at? Khavi, HybridXXX, and I forgot the others … crap…

Beefstew > Horde > Surreal > Risen :sunglasses:


Hey everyone! Lente here, the human warrior, part of the guild Thunder Hammer. The character avatar is still the same one from back in the day, just a sex change and some server re-routing =P But still sporting the sexy gear from back then!

To all whom I remember (in no particular order, list will be amended as memory improves, I hope!)(Also here in case people google their character names):

Vulcann, Geegoonit, Wingdings, Ticktack, Tarfu, Helmi, Plasma, Forza, Wildsunny, Naraa, Morenn, Benjin, Sirtitan, Radic, Kainen, Forza, Delsenora, Sinalob, Sabilene, Nasaremie, Ladygwenaver, Thorhamer, Subrina, Jerana, Altyra, Rathrenna, Grann, Gladen, Keating, Liessmoor, Asukayumi, Eduard, Fisk, Humanchick, Imseexy, Jenebe, Kaelist, Larzz, Lathaar, Mindbender, Narazule, Niria, Provoked, Sola, Soltaker, Solzors, Syren, Twitt, Vivo, Seldon, Hydroponics, Bessie, Einsteinium, Honde, Kurtz, Rexxyz, Rygamortis, Tierael, Balcone, Ginkan, Fusion, Outraged, Stellvia, Admoon, Nickwolfwood, Deltaleader, Weefolk, Shirlexi, Celtillus, Scarletdoom, Egil, Balcone, Sesak, Drienia, Sulaya

I’ll be rolling on the Pagle server, alliance-side. I’ll be playing a hunter named Parabellum. Feel free to add me on Discord: Jody#4640 or BNet: Drathamus#1867.

I’m excited to play with you all again!

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So. I hope this worked. I cant remember the guild I used too run with. But I was 11 and you all were super helpful. If you recognize the name. I would love too play with you again. It was the last month before burning crusade came out. My druid was my main. But you might rememeber my hunter Darkravenn as well.

well i was raiding with we die a lot as well
still the same dwarf pally main osskar and my dwarf priest sayder to help with ony kills

I looked through all of my old backups but can’t find any documents from that era. The best I found was a screenshot from our first Gruul kill. (yes I realize that’s BC)

Present for the kill were, L to R: (some of the names are hard to read so I left them out)


I definitely remember the UGA days. It took me a long time to get to 60 because I originally started on another server with some friends from work. After they quit (this was before server transfers) I started playing more on Alleria with friends from the TiVo forum. We had a few people that raided with UGA but not many. I remember the main UGA guilds being Dreamers, ElementChaos, and Lunar Eclipse. At some point EC and LE combined to form Lunar Chaos, and they’re still around today. We had a really good raid leader named Trew - can’t remember what guild he was in. Also Dark Pact. For some reason I still remember the Molten Core boss fight video those guys made after UGA broke up and they started raiding on their own.

I was getting to 60 around the time “we” were getting close to downing Ragnaros. I specifically remember a raid where Jaxom literally bought/farmed a flask for every single raid member, and we were still unsuccessful. Still BWL, SSC, Gruul etc. was some of the most fun I remember having in WOW, but that may be because I haven’t raided much since BC.

I’ll see how many names I can remember from that time:

Union of Mythical Forces People: Debra, Kalina, Nasrik, Freydis

Dreamers people: Fenrys/Periago, his wife (sorry I can’t remember her name!), Kryss, Raerianna, Rani, Dawgbite, Frella/Drena, Gobi, Ritnick, Nubre, Hikariatsui, Lazarus, Leesil/Scrimshaw, Pete/Belyna, Liiriel, Magnalock, Terym, Evalie, Tanabeth

I seriously doubt anyone remembers me, as I kept mostly to myself in Vanilla, but I did have people I talked to and I was in a few guilds. I’m NOT going to play Classic, but if anyone does remember me and feels like reconnecting, I figure I’d post anyway, as I’m still active on retail, and if you’re playing Classic, you’ll have a subscription, so at the least, we could talk on BNet. (I took the free realm transfers to Garrosh in Wrath, so if you were on Alleria after that, you wouldn’t know me)

If I recall, my only characters on Alleria in Vanilla were:

Myzou - Night Elf Hunter
Terrashadow - Human Warlock
Karone - 19 Human Rogue Twink
Minivalkyrie - 29 (later 39) Gnome Rogue Twink

I may have had one or two other characters but I can’t recall them at the moment. It’s been 15ish years, after all.

Any Emerald Dream folks looking to return to Classic? I didn’t join up with y’all until BC, but Tepi (Tepictoc) was my main - Draenei mage, and I also had Lazendra - Gnome lock. I’ll likely be running the newest version of Tepi over on the RP server with my current gaming crew, but I’d really love to reconnect with everyone!

I’m friends with him to this day. I’ll tell him you were asking about him.

Looking for any of my old buddies from Tranquility Guild or anyone I used to roll PVP with.
This is Cinsa, Human Priest.
Feels weird seeing all these old names again, definitely not forgotten on me.

I played on Alleria as a Paladin named Thracken, a priest named Mystimarie, but my main for the longest was Erisi the mage.
looking for folks I knew and will be looking for a home in classic.

I played as Fingoifin, a Human Warlock. Last guild prior to leaving for the server swap to Dalvengyr (PVP) was Risen. Looking to PVE or PVP. Thanks!

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