Alleria Alliance Reconnections

If you’re meaning Cale, no. She had darker hair and if no? My bad.

Warder - Human Paladin. Played in both Damaged Goods and Night Eternal. A lot of familiar names on the thread, looking forward to Classic!

HEYA! I remember Nickwolfwood and Leismoor! been a long time…

Hello! I was Nored a human Paladin in vanilla. I cannot remember the original guild I was in, but I was in Ordo Sanguis when I started raiding.


My brother and I were in DragonsBane, and then Living gods alli side/ Horde gods horde side. I was Fallen (NE hunter) Doranador (Mage) my brother was Jaxx (warrior). His gf at the time was Alimaxx (pally) we both still play on alleria (mostly horde side now). we played with a good group back then, Zixar, Fubar (think they made him change his name haha) cannot remember all the names, but his family played also. Queenie? She helped me get my first 60.

I only played towards the end of Classic (after the Naxx patch) but I can’t even remember what the name of my first guild was called any more…

I was Moonflame, NE hunter originally before i swapped to horde just before BC and played a shadow priest named Valorite

Grene - Human pally. I’m so very very fancy. Also no need to worry because I’ve got blessing of protection.

Guild was The Rebellion, and some others much later in the game I can’t remember the name of. I wonder if I can LF gloves to drop for me this time. LFG UBRS pst…

Wondering if anyone from Risen is coming back. I joined the week we downed Thaddius. Mage Thunderbunz I got my Atiesh Greatstaff. Was with till the unfortunate ending of Risen. WoW was never the same after that. Was a really great group of people.


Formerly human warlock Dykia here, guild was called Intrinsic

This is gonna be good.

Miss the random PvP with Premo people.
Likely don’t remember me, Mindplague (spriest).

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Absolom, Holy Paladin

Was Guild Leader of Grey Council for a while, ran with several others over time.


Hello all! played with a few guilds back in the day i believe i was part of premo and surreal. i was Night Elf Hunter LLordtyler( cringe) lol
some players that stick out i wonder if they still play or plan on returning.

dunkel i ve seen his name a few times on here.
Aqii Night elf priest.

I was in Almighty. I was Goldeagle, Human warrior.

Do you remember Elfame?

I was Gyou, a Human Warrior, leveling on Prot spec the whole way (it took ages). My first guild was the Sacred Cookie Cult, which was absorbed by Lunar Eclipse, which then merged with ElementChaos and changed names to Lunar Chaos…

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I was in Dragoons when they were still on alleria. I played a hunter named Aleen. I remember every name on that list except sparrowhawk. Dragoons was my first actual guild on WoW. All I remember about the guild is good times with great people.

Played a dwarf warrior named Cormir in the guild Dreamers back in the day. We raided with the United Guilds of Alleria before that broke up. In TBC was a founding member of Already Dead which had a lot of former Dreamer members.


That name sounds vaguely familiar, but i’m not entirely sure…

Heeeeeeey! Wow, I really wasn’t sure if I would find anyone from those days =D Going to point Ada this direction and see if I can actually get her on the forums.

Honesty, Dragoons was good times, I’m sad we fell apart after WolK and I was sad when we migrated off the server and left people behind. Hopefully there will be some catching up with classic now.

That all sounds very familiar… I think Dragoons was part of that system before we transferred.