All titles, all characters, every time I log in

Every time I log in, on every character I have, it posts a long list of title spam. Why is it doing this every single time I log in? It’s the same titles too. It’s really annoying for my guild members and it only seems to be happening to me. Is there something I can turn off so it doesn’t happen?


This is driving me nuts. It’s not all titles for me though. It’s only my Night Fae titles: Protector of the Weald and Winter’s Envoy and my Maldraxxus Baron title.

For other toons maxed out on Renown from Shadowlands, those titles just aren’t appearing.

My gut is that it’s something related to Renown titles, but it’s not affecting

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I got the same “problem” too.

Same here. All these bugs and no solutions for a 20 year old game.


Also very tired of this

Smelly Nipls

Same here, all titles I’ve gotten recently have been re-earned upon log-in, usually when I mount up or dismount.

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Do you also get a brief update every time you exit the game? I do - repeatedly awarded night Fae titles on all characters. I think the game update which takes 15 seconds or so max is the culprit.

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I notice it keeps doing this with my Maldraxxus titles, as well as the Dream Defender title. It also likes to spam stuff about me learning new skyriding abilities, especially on my dracthyr.

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For me its the covenant titles. Since it started when warbands were released I assume it has something to do with that.

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This happens for me with the “Smelly” title

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Has anyone found any resolution to this problem yet? I have a ticket in, but so far they are treating it as a connection issue, which it is not. I am trying scan and repair.

I have this happen too. I have a list of titles that are lost upon logging out and only regained when I summon a mount. It’s incredibly annoying as one of those titles is one I would be using if it worked properly. Instead I have to use a different one that is not affected by the bug.

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Same problem. Resets it also. Super annoying.

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I keep having the same issue. Every character, every time I log in. Although mine seem to be only the ones dealing with Dragonflight titles AND any new ones I have gotten since TWW launched. Its very annoying. Only happens when I dismount.

This happens to me also, and removed all but the oldest titles from each character.

It’s really frustrating.

Still happening Dec 27, 2024.

Lol, tell me your customer service is poor automation without telling me customer service is poor automation.

IF you get a response, it will be a GM telling you to come post here, because we can all see that does a lot of good lol.

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I’m having the same issue except it’s not all characters. Some of my alts retain their titles upon login while most are reset. I still get the list of new earned titles.

A couple of my als don’t get the message upon login. The message appears when they mount up on Eve’s Ghastly Rider (only that mount for some reason).

Also, it appears to only happen on any character that I’ve used the Warband Map to Everywhere All At Once ability. Some of my lesser played alts never get the title message.

VERY annoying. One of the titles that I use the most is in the list, so every time that I log in, I have to re-equip it.

I dont know why GMs are treating this like a connection issue. This issue has been CONSISTENT for months.

Characters that are affected by it usually start off with just a few titles doing it, on log in and when they mount/dismount. This eventually progresses to more and more characters being affected, and more titles being spammed.

Currently it only appears to be affecting titles tied to renown (shadowlands/dragonflight/tww etc).

I would be good money this is tied to the weird bugs happening with reputation and renown, where people are loosing titles periodically and losing entire reputation progress.

Fix this Blizzard. Ridiculous it’s been going on for months

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