All those in favor of a guild bank... raise your hand

Here’s the thing, and I’ll start with a more obvious example that anyone who entered the stress realms will be able to understand…

I cannot STAND having no flight point in Goldshire and Eastvale, etc. I hate the “one flight point per zone” system. I hate all that running (calm down, my #nochanges dude, I’m getting to a point).

Adding the flight points would seem so benign and like the only right thing to do.


It is the fact that everyone had to run all that way and fight through murlocs and deal with the area with only 16-slots of bags space just to get here–not to mention all the mobs he had to carefully pull and fight one at a time to reach this particular spot–that we’re all so kind to each other.

The mobs being more powerful, the run being so tedious, the bag space being more precious with fewer opportunities to empty them…it all ends up making people treat one another better because taking something from another player suddenly has importance and weight. This guy ran for 10 solid minutes to get here. He had to circle this area and figure out how to pull it one at a time to work his way to this mob and that loot chest in the back, there. Sure, I could run in while he’s fighting that mob and take the loot…but most of us WON’T, even if we would in current WoW. No, most of us will wait for him to tag it and then help him kill it. We’ll heal him or buff him or otherwise be useful instead of being jerks because in Vanilla, taking something from that guy means you just did something seriously unjust. In BfA, it’s just a slight annoyance, but in Classic, it’s a much, much bigger deal.

In Vanilla, we were more polite BECAUSE THERE IS NO FP IN EASTVALE OR GOLDSHIRE AND IT TOOK FOR-FREAKING-EVER TO GET HERE, clear to the quest mob, and get access to that chest back there. He EARNED that chest.

Being a troll for giggles is one thing, but somehow it’s less funny and much more like bullying in Vanilla, so there’s less of it. Sure, there are jerks, but most aren’t like that and won’t be. The difference is felt immediately in the Classic environment, and restoring the tedium of the world is what brought it back.

Adding the FPs back would destroy that dynamic. It may sound minor, but it’s HUGE.

Now–back to guild banks:

The way this worked in Vanilla is that one person was designated the “Bank Officer.” This guys job was to maintain an alt with full bag space (generally donated by guild members) in the bank and on his person. To this alt were mailed all the things that “belonged to the guild.”

Do you get how important that was? Do you get how much it meant to trust someone with that office? You read about the nightmare stories of people getting angry and stealing everything, but most of us didn’t experience that. For most of us, the guild bank was a highly-esteemed guildie who was appreciated for his/her organization skills and patience for taking on the task. How much more do you value the guild bank when the guild bank is a person? How much nicer are you to your guild mates and how much more of a team do you have to be with one another when the guild bank…is a person? It changes things, and if the guild is a toxic group instead of a healthy one, the guild bank and how it all gets handled is a huge marker of that toxicity or health.

It’s important. It’s massive. Like the flight points, it seems little. Like the flight points, it seems like giving us the improvement would be an obvious answer to some bad community habits. The reality, however, is that it would have serious community consequences.

I love guild banks in retail. In my BfA guild, I’m the lady who organizes the bank, handles asking people to restock things, and monitors what goes in and out more often than any other guild officer. I freaking LOVE that thing.

In Classic, you can’t have a guild bank…because the guild bank has to be a person. It changes the tone of everything.


Give me an ‘N’!
Give me an ‘O’!
Where does this lead?



Yes, but explaining why a change would be bad is more helpful. Telling people why something matters is a better tactic.

Yes to guild banks. Bank alts are easily exploitable for free gold. Bank alts are a blind scam. All explained in Guild bank pt 14 thread.

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Retail is nothing more than multitude of step saving. “Stepping” is what we otherwise call “playing”.


No changes, go drink your soy somewhere else.

not an argument.

The main problem with having a guild-designated banker who runs the bank alts for the guild is that sometimes things happen and if the banker is suddenly unable to log in for a period of time due to internet issues, accident or even death then all of the guild’s materials are suddenly unavailable for a long period of time or even forever. The work-around for that is a shared account for the guild bank but account-sharing is againts the ToS so you risk losing it to being banned by Blizzard.

The guild bank is ultimately safer for everyone involved.

As someone earlier suggested, making the size of the guild bank equal to the storage capacity of a typical bank alt character would help make its existence less impactful compared to the current WoW guild bank.

Account sharing was always against ToS. Just now everyone should have authenticator’s on their account. So it would be a lot harder for 5 players to share the guild bank alt. I can see hardcore guilds buying another subscription just for a bank alt and share the authenticator code between 5 players.

I personally wouldn’t mind either way, but I would rather wait until we get poll booths added into the game later so the community can vote. Just like OSRS where the devs bring up possible changes and more than 75% of the end game community has agreed upon it. I think if guild banks do become a thing that the guild needs at least 20-40 guild members that are 60.

It’s not going to happen for Classic. It would not break my heart if it did, though.

As Meriweather says, I agree.

Use your words. Defend your opinions.

YES: guild bank is a necessity, to share items

no guild buffs, just the ability to congregate and coordinate items and gold.

yes and 13 days ago was that still your answer ?
BTW Classic did not have guild banks and therefore Classic should not have them.
Which do you want ? Classic ? or Classic with changes ? It’s bad enough they are breaking legitimate addons.

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The funny thing about this topic is that 15 years ago we were all clamoring for a guild bank to be added to the game. Now that it could actually happen everyone’s insisting it’s not a welcome addition. Perspective I guess.

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Go back to retail.


I hope you can enjoy Classic without that non vanilla QOL convenience.

Here’s a crazy thought.

Maybe divide those guild resources among multiple officers. That way in the event that any single one of those officers is unable to log on, there are others that have access to guild resources without having to share accounts.

Thank you so much for posting this. I was a GL in TBC and the guild vault seemed indispensable so adding guild banks to Classic seemed like an easy #change for someone who thinks of himself as a #NoChanger.

Your post is the first good argument I’ve seen of how even adding a guild vault will subtly change the social dynamics within a guild. I am convinced. Thanks again.

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Thanks for reading it with an open mind. I was not at all onboard with #nochanges when I first heard about Classic. I was irritated that we were going back to the old cmodels and armor models. I was disappointed we wouldn’t have transmog and instant mail. That sort of thing. I viewed those changes I wanted as harmless and the people who were so rabid about not letting me have them as mean and overwrought (I still think some of them were overwrought).

A few kind people explained to me all the reasons the things I wanted would matter, and I started to see why not changing anything is important.

AoE looting, guild banks, increased buff durations…the list is a very long one…they all have consequences if we sit to think them through.

I will miss my guild bank, my flight point in Goldshire, the ability to hide the ugly shoulder armor on my female toons, meeting stones that summon people, and fully automated LFG.

But I know why we shouldn’t want them, and that makes a huge difference. They seem so small, but they have long-reaching tendrils of effect on how everything else works.
