All this Horde stuff is getting stale and overdone

We will most likely see it given back as some type of reparations to the Night Elves. Right now I really want to see what will happen with the Night Elves, their story just feels so half done at this point.

I doubt it honestly, maybe if the current writers get replaced by people who don’t only care about Sylvanas and Nathanos.

Yup, they opened up the story in with Teldrassil and then seemed to completely forget about it. Maybe they just wanted to do something shocking to further continue the Sylvanas/Nathanos plot and forgot that they left the Night Elves with nothing at this point.

Was it possible he mentioned those two people because they were prominent members of his own races the ‘Humans’? it be the same if Thrall said the same thing about Gul’dan and Ner’zhul since they’re Orcs of his race, had relation to ‘A’ Horde that later lead up to the current one and so on.

Arthas was a member of Lordearons Alliance only ie the Forsaken mostly at this stage lol, Daelin was part of the Kul’tiras forces both of which are prior to the Alliance of current, Blizzard lacks any prominent problems from the Alliance outside Tyrande but she hasn’t done anything big yet so its simple to just use the racial factor instead, plus don’t think Admiral Rogers is a massive name compared to most characters xP.

Vulpera purge squads? Is this some alliance npc thing only the horde gets to see?

I missed out on a lot this expansion…

Oh I’m a nice person as long as you don’t have my loot, owe me gold or try to cut in on my Sunwell drug trafficking!

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Lol! Are you sure you aren’t a Goblin in disguise? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Barely working with the horde. I can burn down a horde village. I can torture some people. I can even kick a puppy. Having a purge squad against some loose allies is stupid evil, not logical evil.

Some of the horde rebelled. Emphasis on some. Most of the soldiers and citizens supported the war until Sylvanas bailed.

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That kind of annoys me. In that video we got of her last year it really seemed like she was gonna come back as a warmongering B again, with the whole “beware of me” thing. But instead she’s like a female Anduin? What’s up with that?

But what if I dont want to be the bad guys? I mean its gonna happen with Tyrande being mad (rightfully) over Teldrasil. They will also probably write he blowing her lid and over-reaching with destruction and death (probably murdering women and children in org or something), but that doesn’t mean I want to be the bad guy.

I honestly at this point am fine being done with this whole 1 faction has a psycho leader nonsense. We helped depose 2 corrupt leaders in the horde (because Alliance is the superior faction after all) and now that we have the “honor” horde left we can work together to fight the big bads.

I mean… we DID annihilate the Zandalari fleet and murder Rastakhan on his very throne. That’s pretty cool.


Night Elves city was leveled For the horde…
Theramore - For the Horde
Stormwind - Deathwing
Golden Vale - For the Horde
Lorederon - For the Horde
Gilneas - For the Horde
I mean you can argue Arthas did Stratholme & Lorederon - but then you would also count Orgrimmar in the Horde column too (as Garrosh has been a “other” much in the same way that evil Arthas was an “other” to the alliance…

As for roving death squads - it would be kind of tone deaf to the alliance M/O as one of the big points about Anduin is that he is a Naive optimist which is what is leading to the void between him and Genn/Tyrande.

If Alliance (likely Tyrande) is going to take a swing at anyone it will likely be Gallywix or the Forsaken; maybe in the WORST writing - it will be a swing at the Tauren; making the arguement that they should have known better then to let the horde burn teldrassil.

That’s what BFA should have been, It should have been Genn wrapping Anduin around his finger and using the Alliance for his own gain and vendetta.

Dalaran was not a massacre! Jaina ordered the Sunreavers to leave and their leader refused!
Jaina arrested countless in Violet Hold!
If any traitor blood elves were killed, it was at the hands of Vereesa and her Silver Covenant, who are not part of the Alliance but Dalaran!
All the quests that involved killing blood elves, I received from Vereesa!

Here I agree that I would not like to kill vulperas!
They are not members of the Horde and have never done anything against the peoples of the alliance!
They just refuse not to meet the requirement not to assist the horde’s war efforts against the alliance!

If it is possible to avoid this help without unnecessary deaths, I choose to destroy your caravans only!

The alliance is not a force with unnecessary bloodthirsty desire, as it is the time we saw in Brennadan!

If they were a caravan of regular members d horde? Nuken them all!
Like Malfurion did in Darkshore!
That was satisfying!
Do the same with vulperas?
Their crime is to try to repay their help from the horde!

I’d rather leave vulperas and taurens alone, if I can!

It strikes me as odd that you consider the Alliance justified in killing the king of a non-Horde nation, for something the Horde did.

Alliance had a quest to burn Vulpera alive, but players objected to it, so it was changed to scare them off rather than kill them.

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they have to kill off all the horde leaders so the alliance can win by story.

There was also the massive backlash against Yrel and her Lightbound being antagonistic zealots in the Mag’har recruitment scenario- and they aren’t even Alliance.

And a segment of the playerbase that wants to see Tyrande and grieving Night Elves to get a campaign that sees them burning settlements and inflicting massive civilian casualties like the Horde did, but they don’t want any of the condemnation, villainous portrayals, faction in-fighting or anything else that comes with with.

The Alliance fantasy is very much rooted in the classic heroic high fantasy tropes, while Horde is more dark fantasy and has a lot more subversions when it comes to classic fantasy tropes.

This has limited it when trying to come up with plots that the Alliance can participate in that don’t consist of “stop the rampaging hordes of evil monsters led by an evil/corrupted overlord before they destroy you all”- because that’s pretty much the plot of every single High Fantasy story. All you can really do is swap out the characters.

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LOL, as much as I like the little capitalists, I’m not hehe

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Alliance get to be the good guys, but get no story

Horde have to be the bad guys, but get all the story

Such is the devil’s deal we made with Blizzard

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Factions in general are getting over done.

How many times are we gonna redo this same old story that ends the same way everytime.

I’d rather be in full service to The Ebonblade and Bolvar, tbh.

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I’ll give you that in response to what Anduin said. The person I responded to mentioned Arthas and Illidan .