All these posts about FF - does no one try ESO?

I played a couple of weeks of Final Fantasy and disliked it. I honestly don’t care how many players it has or what lies ahead, nothing about it appealed to me.

And seeing all theses posts on GD I have to wonder - did nobody try Elder Scrolls Online?

Take a look at some of the positives and negatives of both.

Story: according to many people, the overarching story of FF is better than WoW and better than ESO. I can’t speak personally to that, since I didn’t play FF enough to figure out the lore. ESO was based around the Elder Scrolls single player games (including Skyrim) but the lore is a bit hit-and-miss. This didn’t really bother me all that much, I like the localised story without feeling I was missing anything.

General game: ESO has a higher game rating so it tends to include more adult content (FF is Teen). It doesn’t have cute Japanese-style graphics, no people with rabbit ears in school uniforms, its more earthy and mature, which I prefer personally. And I like the look of the game, its architecture, geography and world design. FF has flight, ESO does not but it does have a very extensive travel system.

How you pay to play: FF is, like WoW, a subscription based game where you pay for the initial game and a subscription and expansions. ESO can be played for free once you buy the game. Paying a sub gives benefits (to attract people to pay it) but it is neither mandatory nor absolutely essential.

Professions: IMO ESO’s crafting is better than FF; the gear you can make can be excellent, it has a superb dye system and its a lot of fun. Even fishing can be fun (and profitable). And its easy to learn and use. Although gathering doesn’t have the shared nodes of WoW and FF, the world is absolutely littered with herb and ore nodes and I never found a moment’s difficulty in gathering anything I needed.

I’ll try keeping this a bit short - I much preferred the combat system in ESO, the UI is clean and uncluttered, movement is fairly smooth. However, I dislike there being no central AH (ESO is a mercantile guild gaming system), it has megaservers which make gaming a little slower for anyone outside the US. I love the ability to attack civilians or try to pick their pockets, of being able to fence loot you steal, they have an enormous PvP zone (Cyrodiil) and other PvP options, ESO releases content very regularly, possibly faster than any other MMO at the moment. ESO’s mail system is a pest and you don’t have a bank for each character but an account bank for all your characters. However, if you have a sub your characters each have an endless back for your materials.

Oh and PS: Player housing. Yes, you have to pay for the houses but the game gives you free Crowns if you are a subscriber and you can use those to buy a house. And they are instanced, unlike FF’s which are these weird huge neighbourhoods that apparently its really hard to get a house in.

So, on the whole I prefer ESO to Final Fantasy. I’m just surprised more people don’t choose to play it as an alternative to WoW.


I played it and thought it was fine, it’s just an issue trying to juggle multiple of these things. Two is already pushing it but adding a third would be overkill lol.

ESO mmo aspects are lacking. Best part of the game are quests, and they are all solo content. If you just want to play singleplayer RPG and do pretty good quests then play ESO. Think about players like they are interactive npcs.

Honestly been thinking of giving it a shot once I complete Morrowind. :thinking:

I frequently did stuff out in the world with people from my guild or in groups looking to defeat harder monsters. In two weeks playing FF I never spoke to another player that I can remember or asked for or got any help doing anything. I found ESO a lot more social.

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FFXIV was created on the foundations of WoW. The Devs for ARR were tasked with playing WoW for seeing what worked, and what didin’t.

ESO is a very different kind of game. No tab target, more rpg than WoW or FFXIV, so it’s not entirely as easily comparable.

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I just want star wars galxies back.

Only thing I love about ESO is you can be a werewolf. Too bad its only for a brief time.

or a Vampire :sunglasses:

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Well I didn’t say they were the same, in fact I pointed many differences. If I wanted to play the same kind of game as WoW…I’d play WoW. And as I said, ESO is not without its issues but then show me the 100% perfect game out there and I’ll give it a go.

I was simply curious as to why there is such a massive outpouring of “Im going to play Final Fantasy” when in the past people have been so quick to put it down.

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Oh, sorry I am sleepy and failed in being more clear with my intent.

It’s the fact that it’s so close to WoW that makes it appeal to people who feel like WoW has failed them. It’s not picking up a different game, it’s something very familiar but also new.

That’s the only reason I can think of as to why people have fixated on it. “It’s WoW!! But better!!”

I wouldn’t mind playing in an online version of Skyrim, and by that I mean I wouldn’t mind running around Tamriel as a Khajiit thief. But I would never get anything done, like in Skyrim, I always get fixated on the dumbest things, like how many sweetrolls I can steal.

I actually really liked ESO, but all my friends went to FF14.
The voice acting is really great and I enjoyed my time in Tamriel. Not enough to play it full time though, but the base 20 buck game gave me enough content that I had lots of fun with it during BFA.

The one element that ESO has on other entries in the genre is its horizontal progression. Releasing new content with new sets and the like without an ever-increasing power level is a bold choice that WoW could learn a lot from.

I tried Final Fantasy online and It was pretty good, I am a fan of Korean MMO’s so it fit a niche for me… however I kind of lost interest after the trial period was over. To this day I regret wasting money on buying ESO… It was back in BFA when I was disappointed with WoW I decided to buy ESO and give it a try… I played it for like a hour and never touched it again… Did not like it all… the interface, questing, pvp, everything is just meh in that game. It just felt boring overall. WoW takes the cake for me by far. I am looking forward to Lost ark, and Sword of Legends online.

I bought ESO a week ago and accumulated 20 hours of game time. It’s more of an mmowrpg. Ow is open world. I currently like it more than wow. No subscription fee unless you want to,

I have a Molag Bal statue on my bookshelf. :wink:

I’ve played it off and on, but not since Morrowind. I found I ran out of stuff to do WAY too quickly, because I didn’t do the dungeons and trials. I found them very, very lacking. Group content is just meh over there. By “didn’t do” I mean “did a few and didn’t like them much so I moved on to other stuff”.

No level cap increases, just that miserable scaling that I hate so much. And a champion point grind that just sucks. When you have each class at 50 plus full crafts and several hundred CP…

Yeah. i gave up on it. Loved it at launch though. Even when I tripped on a pebble and launched myself into the stratosphere across Stonefalls.

So my issue with ESO is much like SWTOR it feels like a single player game with mmo aspects to it. All the quests are pretty much single player as is the storyline, what makes it multiplayers are doing things like the dailies, dungeons, or pvp. It’s also a cash drop. They offer housing which is great but then turn around and try to sell you a house for $60-$120. That’s outrageous.

And for those that enjoy RP, the RP community is very insular and at times can also be very ugly as well. I’ve seen and heard about nothing but bad experiences with it. It’s disappointing really. As someone else said I just want a good AAA Star Wars or LOTR mmo at this point please.