All the Pets Megathread and Lounge!

:people_hugging: :broken_heart:


unless i need to rescue them I don’t think I’ll ever own pocket pets again lol

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I just watch pet rat owners on youtube. Not quite the same as cuddling one or hearing all their adorable little sniff sniffs but its easier.



thats actually not a bad idea!


Seriously of all the things to miss with rats is when they’re sniffing by your ear and it tickles a LOT lol

Or how absolutely OFFENDED my two boy rats were when I got my hair cut real short. They had nothing to hide under and oh they were just “dad what the heck is this?”


my female rat, comet, knew when i came home from work, I guess hearing the dogs bark? I’m not entirely sure
she’d to to the edge of her cage with her hands out waiting for me to take her out. she was incredibly smart and I had to keep up with new things for her to do to keep her going.


My very first rat was a girl and she was a little genius. ( This was before I knew rats often needed a buddy )

She figured out how to break out her cage. Back then I slept in another room and one night I just feel something waddling by my leg. So I get up and feel little mlem mlems on my hands so I was just REALLY confused and wondering how she got out. Just glad she didn’t wander into the bedroom our dog was in.

We had to start putting little keychains on the cage doors so she couldn’t get out lol. But that was only at bed time and when I was at school. Most of the time I was at home she was hanging out with me


awe, thats absolutely adorable haha.


I couldn’t even be mad once I realized how she could get out. The night this happened I waited a little outside my door after shutting the light off. Hearing the cage door open I get back in my room, turn on the light and the rats just perched on a nearby chair all “Sup?” lol


Seeing your comment… guess what i found at dollar tree.

I’ll get pics in a bit :slight_smile:



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Btw if one is confused over how you can tell a rat is a little offended.

A lot of pawing at the back of my head then pacing back and forth along my shoulders lol

Also the occasional “ooo I’m so mad I could just groom my fur” baths


I used to have a handful of rats and completely rat proofed my house so they could just walk around wherever they wanted without fear of losing them, I woke up many a night to a huddling group of rats under my blankets licking and grooming me obsessivly. Very hard to bring women home mind you as not everyone was as enthusiastic about my kingdom of rodents


We are never clean by rat standards XD

Sure rats groom for social vibes but I just like to think they’re just “you are so FILTHY” when they kinda hold onto your hand and give plenty of mlems.


I would post pictures of my cat, except I can’t post links


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Haha no I was never deemed clean enough to be given a break, they would go absolutely crazy sometimes licking my feet and legs it took so much focus to not kick in my sleep some nights. If I didn’t have kids I would likely still be living in rats paradise to this day but I will admit the short lifespan was very very hard on me


I don’t have pets anymore cause they grew old and lived a full life, miss my fluffy boys though.

Had a Louisiana Catahoula Leopard dog who was pretty big, named Tucker. We used to call him Big boy, Cow (cause of his spotted fur/was black and white like one), Horse, and my personal favorite: Chunky boy.

Then my grandmother surprised me with a little Japanese Chin named Midgy, who I absolutely adored, he loved to play and run around, I was the only one he’d do that with so I felt pretty special lmao. We also called him Chauncy, and with me, I’d call him Uggy Ugg.


You ever have a hairless rat? I’ve always wanted one. They’re like little nakkie goblins lol


If you post from twitter it works or put ` at the start and end of a link. it will look like this when formatted right. :slight_smile:

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Yes I have ! super cute and fun to pet but they get cut a lot easier and fights as rare as they were in my group would always be worse on my poor little naked baby ( they also get cold a lot easier ). I enjoyed rubbing olive oil all over her skin to keep it soft and moisturized but they all had their own little special treatment I would give them. I’m tempted next time to try gambian pouched rats as they live longer and are a bit bigger.

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