All Terrain Snail - can't complete

The Snail Markers in Ohn’ahran Plains didn’t register for me or another rider.

The Snail Markers in Waking Shores were even worse. You can mount and mobs go non-aggressive, but as soon as you ride close to mobs, they turn aggressive again. And you still get no credit.

The Waking Shores aggro problem might have to do with the WQ Gorlocs No More-locs.


Same having problems as well.

None of the markers in any of the zones work. SMH.

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Same issue. Rode through markers and got no credit

Reply on EU forums:

I just wonder why Devs don’t disable the quest for everyone and provide a new one until there’s a fix…


Same issue - following thread for hopeful resolution.

Just tried the Azure Span markers and none of them are registering and even though mobs are tagged with yellow names, they agro on me as I ride past.

SMH, what ever happened to QA at Blizzard?

Yep! Not working for me either.

Blizzard: Since folks will lose 100 rep for today, give everyone 2x quests one day to make up for the lost day…

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smh I was going to get my mount this week too

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Wasn’t working for me either … so I gave up and logged out :confused:

Don’t you just love not being able to get stuff done in a timely manner?

Same issue, also mobs that show they turn yellow while riding slick, actually start attacking you while you are on slick, so that doesn’t help either.

Same issue here. Hyjal server

Korgath NA No part of this quest works

If it’s not fixed in this quest cycle are we gonna get floated 100 rep or given 2x quest another day?

Can confirm same issue here, no credit for running through the markers on summoned slick.

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This quest is more broken than Akama.

I tried doing the quest and upon it failing I abandoned it and went back to pick it up. The second time I even went to a different location and experienced the same problem with not getting credit.

Same issue here, saw this posted on EU forums.

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Same problem. was attacked by two YELLOW Rhinos when just riding by and markers are not registering that I rode into them on my snail.

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Same issue here, so because blizzard put out a broken quest can we please NOT be punished for that and all be given 100 rep to make up for the entire days worth of lost rep or be given 2 quests tomorrow.
This kind of stuff really grinds my gears and i’m finding I have less and less patience for this sort of thing. This entire patch is one big bugged mess, literally everything I want to do is bugged in one way or another and i’m sick of it.