All TBC servers will progress to WOTLK

I hope Blizz gives you fresh TBC servers eventually. Just as I hope they stop at Wrath or eventually give use fresh servers. The Classic experiment should allow players to stay in their favorite expansion


i dont want to keep rerolling fresh and losing everything i like staying in expansions. seasons can be great if they were to dump into era after.


I keep thinking of minor things that will be lost if there are no permanent TBC servers like the updated priest racials. A snapshot in time that could be saved with just a couple servers per region. Why the hell not???

I just want time to play with expansion specific talent trees. A choice of which version I’d prefer to play that day. I don’t need the full server splits that happened with Classic → TBC, just… one little TBC server to call home. One PvE, one PvP, and everyone who wanted to stay has a place.

Not to mention if they ever decided to do seasonal TBC servers it would be nice if the characters had a permanent home to go to once the servers disbanded.


would be great to always have a server full of people running around with warglaives and legendary bows doing arena for fun. blizzard has atleast had to of thought about reversing this descion after reading fourm post if they even do that….


i want to see classic continue that long

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I was hoping to stay on Burning Crusade. It’s vanilla classic with guild banks and some added flavor. You spend a lot of time in the old world leveling alts.

I really hope Blizz changes their mind and put up at least one fresh TBC server for people that would rather stay there. I’ll start from level 1 again if I have to. Or maybe allow people to pay to clone their characters over to it. Something.


Not at all.

I will pay to transfer to a realm that I can stay on tbc in, in the hopse that it is semi populated, as I want to go into naxx at level 70 before it gets moved. I won’t see this happen in time before wotlk.

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Exactly my plan. All I want to do is play WOTLK forever. I will literally subscribe until the day I die, but only if there are WOTLK realms that never go away.

However, if WOTLK is ever going to go away then I will unsubscribe today. There is no point otherwise.

Just snapshot my character in all expansions I want to be omnipotent in all timelines across the multiverse

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dude hell yes

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Eh most of the classic community wants classic plus. Whether that be end of WOTLK+ or SoM phase 7

Create option to turn off exp at level 70.

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