All rune free at level 1 is so bad, who came up with this?

Edit for clarification:
GOOD = runes more accessible
VERY BAD = free, all at level 1
SIMPLE FIX = phase 1 runes from vendor when hitting 25, phase 2 at 40 etc.

Before you decided to make all runes free at level 1, have you tried it?

When I was leveling my alts having access to just 1-2 higher level runes completely changed the leveling process. Having all runes at level 1 will just trivialise the entire 1-60 experience, at this point you might as well introduce the 5 min LFG dungeon runs in retail??

The idea of making runes more accessible is a good one, but your decision to just plug a rune vendor for level 1 is just plain stupid.

There are so many other ways to implement this while keeping some classic spirit to the leveling process.

For example you could have made runes available from a vendor a few levels after they can be ‘normally’ obtained - Divine Storm / Metamorphosis can be obtained around level 20, make them available from vendor at level 25. In short a catch-up mechanism.

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Idk what you smoking big dawg… But this is a great change. This is a change that respects the players time a lil more than it did before this update. We are now able to make any class we want and feel the power of that class from the start once you get a class to 60. I’m just tryna play the game and have fun. I don’t want to be forced to do small things. This rune change does not impact anyone negatively, in fact the opposite. I am grateful for this change. Now I might make a hunter and spam killshot/chimerashot or a rogue and spam backstab, or even a shaman and dookie on every paladin I see. It’s gonna be great


Someone who finally realized we have a bucket-o-alts that we don’t want to tediously grind out Runes for.

PS: No one is forcing you to get them. You can still do it the ‘old fashioned way’. The fact that you want Blizzard to step in and “save yourself from yourself” is quite telling.


Most people are just boosting alts now. The vast majority of people left playing this game do not care about the old way of leveling. Those that did moved to anniversary servers.


My beef is runes are being given free at level 1.

I think they should be gated behind something, such as level.

For there to be a classic+ that I want to play there needs to be a balance between retail brain dead zug and the tedious classic grind - this change completely ruins this balance between 1-60.

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Why is this bad? who does this impact negatively? Because you suffered and leveled alts getting runes the old way, you want others to do the same?? Weird mentality to have brother


Path of least resistance will always prevail once available.

An extreme example, but for the same logic the Tier 2 vendor should just remain in the game, as no one is forcing you to get them and you can still do it the old fashioned way.

What if I told you I think T1, at the very least, should be added to the Reals vendor; Reals and Embers should be made BoA; T0.5 should be added to the Embers vendor (Thorium dude in Guzzler).

…and when Naxx drops, add T2 to the Reals vendor.


Why is retail bad? Why are you not playing retail?

This negatively impacts anyone who wants a balanced leveling process, like me. This change might not negatively impact you, but there are others out there.

To be honest if you don’t want to ‘suffer’, why even play classic? A little ‘suffering’ is the core of classic experience.

I’m not against any of those ideas, in fact I quite like them.

Because you are not handing out things for free. Reals and embers still need to be grinded, and it makes progressing / gearing easier.

My beef with the runes change is that they are handing things out for free at level 1 - literally the same as a private server

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Play a warrior if it bothers you so much… I promise you, the runes do not matter at all.

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Well, look at it like this.

Do you want a Warlock to tank that’s only been tanking for 2 levels. Or one that’s been tanking for 27.

This is in line with my believe that you should have access to all your class abilities from lvl 1, but, obviously at a significantly nerfed state.

…leveling my Paladin, alone, I changed my bar layout a half a dozen times as I ‘unlocked’ new abilities that were of a higher priority. In a sense, I had to ‘learn to play’ every few levels. Because, “oh! now I can judge” or “now I can judge this seal of wisdom” or “oh now I got SoC, and it does more damage than SoR”…and this doesn’t even take into account the Runes.

The problem with WoW is it’s always billed you as an Adventurer, just starting out. But yet you, some how, know enough about a specific class to ‘do their stuff’.

So on one had, you need to ‘learn the trade’. But then they keep adding more abilities that are usually objectively better than what you had, and it forces you to relearn your class.


It becomes information overload for new players. The slow drip of talents helps people learn their classes. This new implementation of runes is irrelevant though as the game is not getting many new people into the door.

I dabble in Classic because it’s a change of pace. Leveling is slower and therefore I get to spend more time doing solo stuff if I want, or I can group with people and push through more quickly.

Runes like the Rogue tank rune or the Warlock meta rune locked my ability to try those out starting fresh on Season. I’d rather be able to dabble with them early on to get a feel for them rather than going through the process to get them, going “wow this sucks”, and switching characters after 25-30+ levels of investment.

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This is a good thing from blizzard, specifically the timing (hopefully not too late). We’ve all seen servers dying in SoD. This has zero impact on anyone already max level and geared. Enough gate keeping for a dying game, let people come back and/or create alts. The game already has enough gate keeping.


No. This is the best change possible right now. What do you have to gain this late in the game by having to wait?

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I think giving us all runes at lvl 1 this late in phase would be awesome and make for an extremely fun leveling experience


Had to login just to respond to this… wrong, very wrong, comment… Sure, warrior doesn’t play incredibly different but, Victory Rush, hello!? Raging Blow… Frenzied Assault… Like… what kind of a silly take is this…

This far along into SoD, trivializing the already trivialized leveling process is fine.

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Wait, where are these runes?