All Realms in this Region are now One Layer -- August 21

Blizzard either wants to sabotage Classic in hopes of driving people to play their garbage Shadowland expansion, or they don’t play their games but rather rely on analytics, which are a bunch of numbers that don’t represent the actual player experience. The lag is horrendous in Ogrimmar. On top of removing layers they now allow people to transfer to the mega servers without layers–what kind of logic is this?


Would be very nice if they could address the mounting complaints about the impact of layer removal combined with unlocking character creation and removing transfer restrictions.

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GJ Blizzard, only took a year…

they wont, thats why this change was implemented at 5 pm on a friday evening. set it and forget it for the weekend.

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This layering nonsense has caused so much damage to the game, and by that i dont mean having them off or on is good or bad. The fact that they are turned on and off at complete random causes so many issues. Imagine being a guild master just to find out one day your raid is going to experience queue timers due to most of your raiders only being able to log in during prime time. We’ve already had member in our guild cancel thier sub because they just don’t wanna be ripped off! And i dont blame them.


Why would we have faith? Classic has been out for a year and this is the state of things.

I don’t trust blizzard and their analytics because they hide the numbers for no reason. Player made population number gathering addons are not accurate in the least.

I have the feeling they hid the numbers so they could do stuff like this.

Yojamba is plagued with GDKPs to the point that the realm’s economy is screwed up. :face_vomiting:

At 2pm on a weekend afternoon there are queues to get into Arugal. It’s clearly not ‘safe’ to delayer unless by safe you mean you want to have players risk their sanity and blood pressure by trying to stay logged in for 6 hours before their raid begins.

Please layer Arugal. This is horrible.




200 queue and building up at 2pm on SUNDAY



Great work so que already started at 2pm on Sunday afternoon you call that safely “delayer”


This is actively malicious or just complete, absolute incompetency. Either way, just a total joke of a company.


#LayerArugal ya muppets


I don’t see any other answer than this. There cannot have been any analysis whatsoever that could’ve supported this decision from their customers perspective.

Cancel your subs, they will, without a doubt have reports and thresholds for events like that which will alert management that cancellations have increased by x percentage.

I can’t see how shareholders would be happy with them losing revenue and growth in a time like this either.

This makes it very hard to play the game. I will now need to log in at 3 pm and try not to get logged out to raid at 7 pm. Please reverse this change.
If you want to remove layers then solve the problem another way first and then remove the layers.

Dealing with queues is worse then dealing with layers.


Changes need to be made when you can not even go have lunch with the family on a sunday without getting placed in a queue.


Safely delayer??? WTF is wrong with you guys? AQ just opens and now you give us 1 layer, realm xfers, and massive queues…you incompetent money hungry morons!


Already queues on Arugal at 2 pm… solid fix bro.

I’ve no idea why your team never get into the server before doing some change, clearly Arugal this kind of server must with layer, otherwise like today, from 2pm Sunday after noon there was a queue already and I login from 2:24pm then need to wait for 45 minutes in queue!!! Are you seriously saying you have cleaned the bots? And are you seriously saying this kind of server does not need a layer? Not understand at all why your team is trying again and again to bring the game experience worse.


We required a third layer during the AQ40 event. And then not even a week later they remove layers.

They’re doing it to get money from people transferring TO the servers with AQ open. I just don’t understand why they removed layers as well.