All Realms in this Region are now One Layer -- August 21

Mate, they “compromised their ideals” when they allowed servers to launch on day 0 with population caps more than double the 5000 that existed in Vanilla. That argument lost any value immediately. Try again, let’s see what your next excuse is.


Moron. Obviously on a dead server.

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so people that were there from the start are morons to or??? very solid solution though call them retards say EAD and leave you guild to xfer to a low pop server?


So much victim blaming going on here, that we somehow deserve this or its our own fault. Most of us rolled here on day #1, this was the only OCE PvP server. It is our home and we have made friends. Maybe its easy for you to disconnect from people and roll somewhere but some of us find it harder to discard people we have met.

For authentic experience, stay on a server with no layering… no one is forcing you to come to arugal if and when it has them.

And how sad must people be to come and complain about something that DOES, NOT, AFFECT, THEM.


let be honest here, its all about money. on RuneScape, if a server has too many people, you can just switch to any other server and simply log in.

Come back to retail, I know some of you are dying to get off classic. After you’ve played classic long enough, then almost every single qol change in retail is welcomed. I know ill save one of you with this.

so are you willing to drop almost a year worth of playing with freinds, and having a great server community to just re-roll? on another server?

man you are dense, the whole reason of Classic was SERVER COMMUNITY AND THE NOLSTALGIA BEHIND THAT.

obviously you dont play on a hi pop server.

Day 1 of Classic Oceanic players had 2 servers, 1 pvp, 1 pve.
Day 14 of classic, we had 3 servers, 2 pvp, 1 pve,
DAy 60 of Classic we had 4 servers, 3 pvp, 1 pve.

by the time day 60 had come around, majority of people were already Max, in raiding guilds, and the community was alreasdy starting to bloom and pay off.

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This is a terrible idea. Please revert this change as soon as possible.

This is only going to cause mass issues for guilds trying to raid. Not everyone can log in hours before raid time to reserve their spots and then spend the next few hours avoiding afk. You know what happens in this situation, you’ve learned from it - stop making this same mistake to save money on overheads at the cost of quality of life for the community.

Blizzard, this is the time where you need to start re-evaluating choices on how it will affect your community. This is a bad path to take and you need to do better, and can do better.

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you dont have to raid at the same time as everyone else. if there are large queue times during your current scheduled raid time, you can just move it. you have a full week to plan for your weekly raids. there will not be queues 24/7.


yes cause being able to shift the raiding schedule of 40+ people is easily done.
please dont talk again unless you can say something smart.


Yeah, great solution, we will all just have to suddenly change 40+ peoples work and sleep schedule and synchronize with everyone else on the server that also likely has similar IRL availability because of time zones so that nobody’s raid times overlap and we can all log off to make room for each other after we are done

Arugal going back to 5 hour queues during peak times? no thankyou #layerarugal

I chose a server which at peak times is only ever high. I chose my server which was actually different than some of my IRL friends because I did not want this problem. They have some problems when it comes to queues, I do not. I made new friends and have a happy Classic life. It is not hard to make new friends in WoW. Unfortunately not enough people put in the thought to what things would look like down the road and wanted to play with X streamer or Y friend knowing it could bite them later.

Stupid …

You are clearly an unemployed person. Most guilds have to work around the fact that people actually have jobs and have limited raiding windows - thus creating peak playing times.

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Dude, 1 day in and Arugal is broken again. Bring back the layering for this server please.

We were FULL on TWO LAYERS when the gong was rung and the gates were open, wth are you thinking that we’ll all fit on one layer.


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Fix Arugal what is this rubbish… Who legitimatly sits at their desk at activision and goes “its ok for xxx server to have a 4 hour queue it will not kill communities and not anger the people” and then who is the person who signs off on this happening. This can not be a single employee making these decisions it has to be collective of people who either have a) no idea how to read stats or b) just do not care and hope a hundred or so spends $ on transfers. If i quit you will be losing over 2 xfers worth of subs per month is it worth it for a quick buck?



Sorry mate, but that doesn’t work for everyone hence why we have the raid days we do - because they suit people. So we did that already, our raid days work for us and this will negatively affect it.

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LOL what? Scarcity is a direct result of supply and demand. If supply decreases and demand stays the same…

Being forced to leave the server community and or guild you’ve been a part of for the better part of a year because of dingus after dingus decision made by blizzard is NOT a good solution.