All Realms in this Region are now One Layer -- August 21

at some point you have to accept whats given to you

Easy for someone with no stake in the outcome to say.


thats true. whether or not they layer arugal again doesnt directly affect me. im more concerned about the future. what i think happened is kaivax and the crew flipped the layering switch to off, made a quick blue post on the forums about it, immediately shut off their computers and clocked out for the weekend lol.

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Wait is it my fault for rolling a PvP toon on the only Server available at launch? is that why im stuck in a 5hr+queue atm?
Is it my fault the gates are open and ready to raid on Arugal but not other Servers?
Should i try and convince 50ish people to transfer off an established server after more than a year of playing with the community to some dead server without the gates open, and they haven’t even offered that for free at this stage, even if they were to offer it for free how many people would want to leave the community they have been in for over a year and to a server they cant raid AQ on

Bring back layers.

Just LayerArugal and move on


Honestly this feels like almost a revenue raising attempt. Blizzard removes layers, locks character creation / transfers. A couple months later they let you create characters / transfer back but keep layering. Now they remove layering and lock creation… essentially forcing anyone with a job to either stop playing because we literally can’t get into the game until we have to go to bed or transfer off… getting more $$ off them

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  • Kaivax October '19

Had to cancel our raid, who knows if we can even play this upcoming week. What a massive waste of time for everyone affected.

Next time, use actual community feedback.


lmao goodbye sulfuras

log off so we can raid

Raid cancelled because of this crap. Maybe someone else can use our fee spots to get their raid going.

If they push the problem to the future, that gives them time to find a more broadly appealing and suitable solution so that the majority of the affected server will be less inclined to have such a hostile reaction. With that will also come the potential to inform the player base the intent prior to application so they’re less blind-sided by whatever the option/s end up being.

It would also allow them potential fail safes for future occurrences on US/EU servers AND for TBC.

But they won’t, because that’s money being taken from shareholders and given to staff, and we can’t have that.

Why is this so hard to deal with? Bring the layers back.
Only allow character transfers to people with existing toons that are level 60.

Seeing raids called off left, right and centre all over Arugal discords. This one decision, which was made last phase and was quickly backflipped has been made again. With the same, if not worse consequences and impact on your CUSTOMERS.

Arugal is 1 week in to AQ and semi/casual raid guilds are already being decimated, pushing progression back further. Seeing pro pug outfits calling raids for tonight as they can’t get the right mix of characters in to the raid. Groups that run multiple times a day with raids filled within 10-15 minutes at most times.

Whoever was involved in this decision and thought it was the right way to go about things needs their head checked.

yeah they offered free transfers back the first time they removed layering. instead of solving their problem themselves, the players just stayed on arugal and complained, eventually dying down and then completely being silent once layering was reintroduced. its not really a solvable issue, arugal just wants a different version of classic than what the united states wants.

Absolutley terrible idea.

Enjoy losing subs.


Where is the problem then?

the problem with layering arugal is that layering was never in vanilla. the goal of classic is to recreate vanilla wow as close to the way it was in 1.12 as reasonably possible. the unfortunate situation that many players on arugal are facing right now is primarily the result of arugal being the only option for a pvp server at launch, and then the community’s disregard for blizzards solution.

These is far from a 1.12 servers. Lotuses, BGs, Loot Tables.

Why does a different server in technically a different region that requires a layer to function even matter to the people in NA?

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it doesnt require a layer to function. it is perfectly functioning on one layer. the problem is that arugal is massively overpopulated and at the same time the available options for server transfers arent appealing to the majority of players on arugal, even if the transfers were free. the result is backlash from the arugal community for blizzard not forcing people to just be randomly transferred amongst the newly introduced servers.

So you are apart of the #somechanges crew. Gotcha.