COMMENTARY: agreed, the worst thing about wow competition is it follows this terrible design and it makes the races/classes feel soul less.
Yeah, i like it. All races, all classes.
This is fair if this is how you feel, but personally I’m just happy to see people having fun. But I understand your concern.
I think as long as certain classes continue to have aesthetic differences between races then that uniqueness of race class restrictions will remain.
So like paladin mounts, shaman totems, druid forms, DH meta,
I think those are the only one. So perhaps add more.
Warrior screams
evoker magical draconic forms for none dracthyr for spells that need draconic anatomy,
Dk racial undead customizations like rusted mechagnome limbs, torn up dracthyr wings, decayed tauren horns, corrupted light marking for LFD,
Priest light animations that reflect racial religions
Etc etc.
I guess it’s the context that gets me. In something like I dunno, a custom Minecraft server or VRChat or something where the space has always been very much “anything goes”, totally freeform everything makes sense. Individual player fun is the predominant concern.
WoW started off with tabletop roots where some level of coherence and internal consistency is valued, and adding options without backing them up properly feels cheap and erodes that coherence.
Speaking of tabletop, I don’t think even D&D current edition has class race restrictions, but maybe a D&D player can correct me if that’s wrong.
Probably not, but race choice ties into your character’s stats and what they’re capable of doing (e.g. a halfling could be thrown across a chasm by a minotaur partymate, but the reverse isn’t true), so internal consistency is maintained.
Like I’ve been saying, it’s not race restrictions that are needed it’s tweaks to make previously unavailable combos feel more right.
I don’t think we disagree on anything major, I just think the priority should be opening up the options and the aesthetic or mechanical flesh out can come second. I assume you think the reverse is true.
D&D removed racial restrictions a long time ago.
interesting concept; please explain the light based spells to the forsaken holy priests and explain why u think holy priests cannot wear plate and be paladins.

Only issue I have with open class and race combos is magahr locks and DH
Maghar sees Warlock, is curious and goes to train.
The demon hunters get racial variants, not the regular race.
So for orcs, they’re themed as fel orcs, can give them the usual brown and green skin tones as well as others associated with fel orcs.
Same as if there were draenei. They’d have the various man’ari skin tones or whatever makes sense. It’s unlikely they’d be lightforged, but you could just do visual rethemes of racials if need be, but lightforged does make sense for hunting demons too, you could do a whole class retheme and give them non-demon transforms. Maybe a bunch of extra Naaru bits and light when they transform.
I’ve suggested similar for Void elves and San’layn.
Cool void walker transforms, use the demon animation rig or not, whatever.
For San’layn, you’ve got the Stoneborn (tank) and Dreadlord (dps) forms that’d work great.
Regular draenei/man’ari forms are half done already. Just need a female tank and a male dps.
Already have male tank forms and female dps that’d work nicely.
I’m all for further visual and lore explanations to introduce everything as playable.

please explain the light based spells to the forsaken holy priests and explain why u think holy priests cannot wear plate and be paladins.
Their suggestion is silly.
I say add a whole range of paladin class visuals to cover all the bases/cosmic powers and let people pick which they resonate with. Some races could start out with one as default or let you pick it during character creation.
Add a small quest or barbershop option to change it out. New ones could be unlocked as they made sense.
Progenitor magic via the Zereth facilities would have been a great time to unlock a new spell visual set.
Considering im not a selfish person idc what race/class combo someone else is. If it makea them happy then im all for it.
After all what race/class combo another person chooses has literally zero impact on anyone else. Never understood how ppl could be against it unless they only care for themselves.
The problem is that maghar are uncorrupted from fel magic.
Locks I can see it if they spin it as if they meditate to keep them elves from getting corrupted.
But what about DHs. How can they possibly remain uncorrupted when DH fuse with a demon soul
Most the lore at this point in wow gets tossed around any way the writers want to, I mean look at shadowlands. More options are always better. People can play any race any class and it doesn’t hurt anything.
There’s no reason to deny people what they love especially when it doesn’t harm anyone else.
Definitely a big yes all around.

But what about DHs. How can they possibly remain uncorrupted when DH fuse with a demon soul
They wouldn’t be, they’d now be a demon hunter. That’s why you’d go the fel orc route for customizations. It could say maghar, but they’d be a demon hunter. It’s just titles.
Fel orcs are already illidari as well as a number of other races, all of which should be playable as demon hunters and regular characters. Playable naga and demon hunters would be great.
Again, they are maghar.
Their entire gimmick is being uncorrupted. You can’t have that as a fel orc.
Really doesn’t matter as they’d be a demon hunter. It’s just text. They’re unlikely to change it to say Fel Orc in the bottom corner or when referring to your character.
Could always do like the other examples I mentioned and give them a visual retheme based around some other magic set they use to hunt demons, just representing them as fel orcs for orcs and mag’har seems like the easiest.
Kinda like with draenei, I’d expect man’ari customizations regardless of what they’re called.
I don’t even like Druid, but I love the idea of seeing what other forms all the races will get.
Rogues are literally just outlaws / ninjas, and the only criminal organization that players can be part of (the Uncrowned) is faction agnostic. For draenei, the Rangari have been in the game since Warlords of Draenor, and they’re unique in that they’re the only race with a specific rogue-ish faction besides humans with SI:7.
Mages have the Kirin Tor and that’s basically it. Individual races have mages, but no one else has a mage-specific faction.
Of the three new races/class combinations we got, Priest is the only one that needed some fleshing out in that it’s not very clear what orcs or high mountain tauren worship. But Mag’har orcs have priests with no real explanation, and it’s easy enough to say that high mountain tauren worship Anshe / the Earth Mother same as Thunder Bluff tauren.
So yeah, not really seeing the issue you’re describing.