A Team and much of FA/UE have rolled on Alliance Whitemane. We are searching for our long lost members and also any friends from the past. Please "/who “A Team” and send a message to any name you recognize!
I believe Fallen is on Herod, horde side, but I am not 100% sure.
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Alas, YOUR BUMMED was not chosen as the guild name.
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A Team and Fallen not being on the same server is a travesty. Where’s abusedgoat anyway
Bring back the Stonemaul guilds. Next you’re gonna tell me Korn’s lead singer is making a guild.
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Seems like a lot of Old Stonemaul ended up on Whitemane. I tried to join it myself but the server is locked.
Wish I knew this before I rolled on Anathema (H). But no orcs or undead might have been a dealbreaker for my playstyle.
Wow I was in your bummed on bendro my mage and I loved you guys