There were no Mythic in the auction house as they are bound to your raid. They just did it to all BOEs heroic and normal.
Someone was claiming they did this last season too but they didn’t, only mythic was bop.
Communication is the key to any relationship.
Blizz hates gold farmers more then they do PvPers. Ever since DF Blizz been phasing out BoEs.
At the end of DF Blizz made all the green BoEs from the Z. Caverns and the Emerald Dream BoP too.
They want to sell tokens for gold
Per Blizzard, this was the result of a hotfix and wasn’t intended. They’re working to correct it.
here i am disenchanting…
people are just jumping the gun with the thread
World first raiders couldn’t stop themselves from engaging in RMT to afford to buy BOEs for the race. So instead of banning them, which blizzard will never do, they just made BOEs not a thing anymore. Punish everyone for a few.
The BOEs were probably not supposed to be dropping at all, but they messed up. Instead of rolling back their ‘protect influencers at any cost’ past decisions, they just bamboozled a LOT of people out of a LOT of gold lmao.
did you not read the wowhead post it was a bug with a patch update and is being fixed
Will it be fixed for all the current BoEs out there, or just for any future ones that drop? I’m ngl, I expect them to say they’re unable to fix the ones that were swapped.
I hope it’s not the case but you never know these days.
i dont think so but we might be surprised if they revert it to boe
Quote from blizzard
“This was the result of a hotfix, and we’re working on an additional hotfix to address it.”
I read that as it was an oopsie, not an intended thing and that they are going to fix it
That is correct.
the post has a updated link as well half way down the list
I had simular happen way back in 2008. Knowing I was going to level a
goblin rogue, and a tauren pally in cata. I started collecting gear for each in wrath.
I had a bank character full of BoEs, mostly blues, ready for them.
I logged on after the pre patch. Every single piece of gear I had saved was
souldbound now, to the bank character.
Just posting again bc its far up the list
How are more people not flaming them over this. It’s actually insane behavior. Clearly intentional, if it was an “accidental” hotfix we would have a fix by now. Instead of a (maybe) magical fix once race to world first is over and the items are worth a fractions of current value. This is an incredibly account breaking “accident”. Traders could lose entire inventories on what should be a safe bet. Casually like me miss our one chance to actually get value from being lucky. The items are trapped on toons that can’t use them, no alternative is being offered. Just a “haha opps, we’ll get this sorted sometime after it doesn’t matter and youre in full heroic gear already”. Week 1 boe’s are the pinnacle dopamine hit and blizz followed that high with the swiftest kick to the nuts imaginable. If I could refund the xpack right now I would
I’ve never even come close to a million gold.
These past BoE on the AH have always been outrageously expensive. Luckily I’m happy in trash tourism gear