Hello all and Happy Thanksgiving! I know a lot of people may be discouraged on the Alliance side of Emerald Dream… do not let the faction transfers discourage you. All it takes is you, to join in on building the Alliance community, we have multiple players from the Alliance side joining up in building the Rebel Alliance for RP/WPVP. Other aspects in the game require attention to, for as Raiding progressions/Key runs, as a community, we should be helping out to fill up progression raids that really need the help, trust me, people are always looking! All it takes is you to become involved into the community we have now, it’s up to us to keep things interesting and fun for everyone on the Alliance side of things. Are you ready to become involved?
What faction xfers?
not sure about the discouraged or building part being a thing but I like the idea of forming multi guild raiding groups for raiding… I need a the pieces from uldir
I am far from discouraged but this holiday week been BORING with everyone out of town
Id maybe try raiding- i haven really raided since hicc25 so been long while. As long as it was a chill group
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It’ll be a slow weekend but we’ve had a great time organizing activities of late.
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