All is Faire in Love and Warcraft

As you might have surmised from the title, this is about the Darkmoon Faire, and hoping I’m getting everything I need. From what I see on the list of most valuable pets, and from what I see in strats for dungeons and boss pets, like the ones in Pandaria, the best ones seem to be the Zeppelin and the Tonk. So, after plying my buddy for information about this, I planned this out.

I made several alts, leveled them to five, so they could learn fishing. (And I should have levelled them to 10, because they can participate in the race events for more tickets. Also, being able to mount up makes the treasure hunt faster.)

So, I gave each of my alts professions, especially fishing, and have each one of them fish up 100 Daggermaws to buy the Faded Treasure Map from the Blood Elf by the docks.

Got the Tonks and the Zeppelins. One of my tickets gave me a Darkmoon Hatchling pet. First time I tried the Whack a Gnoll, I won Hogs. The brown Gnolls all just seemed to pop up at the right spaces at the right time. I found a video about how to do the race and after doing it with four alts every day, I finally won the Race Mini-Zep. I even won another one, but I can only have one and I can’t sell the other one.

I caught three Darkmoon Glowflies. But if they’re not useful, I’ll just keep and level the best breed.

Fishing is actually a good deal at the Darkmoon Faire. It doesn’t take as long as I thought, thanks to the Bloated Threshers. (I had to look them up and found that they’re containers for around 5-10 Daggermaws each, plus there’s a bit of gold there.)

I wish all new players could start at the Darkmoon Faire. When I fished for my hundred Daggermaws, I got around four or five Threshers on each alt. Which is a nice chunk of change for a low level toon.

I also wish we could send the Tortollans to live at the Darkmoon Faire and take their silly quests with them. Along with the ones in Legion and in Battle for Azeroth. I’m leveling up a bodyguard in Nazjatar, and sometimes I have to plug the geysers twice a day to help him get a level. I don’t see how plugging geysers helps him. Or anyone.

Why, exactly, do I need to plug geysers? Are they afraid that if I don’t then Nazjatar will sink to the bottom of the ocean or something? If that’s the concern, then I have bad news for them.

But I digress. I would say I got all the important stuff at least when it comes to the Darkmoon Faire.

I even fished up enough Daggermaws to get the Ghostshell Crab. I was going for a Blorp, but I discovered it was a non-combatant pet. Not sure why I would want a noncombatant pet.

It doesn’t look like anything is really useful there except the two pets I already bought with tickets.

I’m happy you had such a good and successful experience with the Faire!

Crow. You want at least one Crow. Probably two.

There are Darkness Birds, that have Call Datkness + Nocturnal Strike combo. It is situationally useful.

With the flying racial giving an extra 50% Speed, a 357-Speed bird is always going to go first with its Call Darkness, and unless it took half its health in damage in Round 1, first again in Round 2 with Nocturnal Strike,

Truth is, a 357-Speed bird is going to be wasting its Speed most of the time, so the P/S breed will often be fast enough, and hit a bit harder.

So I’d pick up both P/S and S/S.

Among Darkness Birds, since Speed usually isn’t a real issue because of the racial, you are probably most likely to use the Fledgling Warden Owl (P/P, 1400/325/260), but the Crow is free. :smiley:

I’ll have to look it up. When I walked around the Island, all I saw with the Glowflies, so I assumed that it was the only pet you could catch on Darkmoon.

I’ll check Wowhead. Maybe they’re a situational spawn, like killing placeholders or only certain times of the day.

Crow shows up only as a backup pet, and not very often, so it is a bit of a hunt.

Also while there, check out Moonfang for the pup drop, and Darkmoon Rabbit, These are group kills that have a chance to drop pets.

I’m not maxed level and I wouldn’t be able to help with those fights. I’d just get wiped out. And while the completionist in me would love to have those pets, the fact remains that I haven’t seen a single strat that calls for either one. I’m trying to keep my collection, for now, to the essentials and more useful pets. I just don’t have the resources to level and make rare the pets I do have.

But there will be more Darkmoon Faires. That’s why I made sure I have three Tonks and three Zeppelins before I even thought about the other Darkmoon pets that I could buy. Those two, especially the Zeppelin, seem to show up in a lot of strats that I read on Xu-Fu.

For now, I’m just focusing on my first dungeon, and I think I’ll be ready for it very soon.

ETA: By the way, Gráinne, you guys have been very helpful to me as I learn this stuff, but you, especially. You’ve been very, very informative. Whether it’s here on the New Players board.

Honestly, without you guys, I think I would have quit before the first month (which I still haven’t quite finished). I like the pet battles, but the game itself is often very frustrating. It seemed okay at first, but once I hit Draenor, it kind of goes downhill.

I’ve been wanting to do this stuff, for lack of a better expression, “the hard way.” My buddy tells me that he could have given me a bunch of pets, but I decided I wanted to practice with them and actually know what they can do and how they operate. I wanted to see what I could do without just going to the AH and buying up a bunch of pets without even the slightest idea if they were any good, or just filling up a slot in my pet collection, to level and forget.

And I read on Wowhead about every pet I get. When I have a better idea of what the different abilities do (and when I have more gold), I’ll go on a buying spree.

And this is as an appropriate a place as any to say this:

Shortly after I first started posting here, a very polite person sent me a message offering me an MPD, hoping this offer didn’t come across as insulting. He assured me that he’s never used more than two at a time, and he didn’t need three.

So, wishing to be polite, I told him only if he’s sure he wouldn’t miss it, because my buddy told me that with three MPDs, you can take down almost anything. He sent it and I felt bad that I was depriving him of such a formidable team.

But my buddy just laughed and told me that that it was almost certain that my benefactor could replace that MPD and level it to full in less than ten minutes. He must be referring to using leveling stones. I don’t know of any other way.

So, I kept it, but I decided I didn’t want to add it to my collection until it was something I knew I could get for myself. So, I farmed the ores in Pandaria, built up the Engineering skill and made my first MPD.

After I added my MPD, I added his gift, because I knew it was something I could get for myself.

And someone else also sent me a bunch of pets (including another MPD so now I’ve got three), and I’ve decided I’m adding these new pets one at a time, when I reach a point when I feel I’ve reached a point where I can acquire them on my own.

For instance, they gave me an Anubisath Idol. I’ve been in that stupid raid zone four times (where 90% of it is just traveling from one boss to the next), and I haven’t had a single pet drop for me and I know I’m in the right zone.

So, I added the gift Anubisath. After four times without a single drop, I think I deserve it. And I also added his Darkmoon Tonk, because now I’ve seen that I can get that for myself.

So, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for your help.


Another good pet to get at the Faire is Syd The Squid, it comes from fighting one of the two trainers there–chance to be a reward. I find it extremely useful for the final fight in Wailing Caverns pet dungeon as it can solo the fight.

I am still farming Wailing Caverns after all this time for the Everliving Spore so anything to make it that much quicker helps.

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I hope this doesn’t sound like I’m gloating, but I got lucky and got Syd the Squid with my first pet battle with Christoph von Feasel.

But I’m not always lucky. I’ve been four times in the temple in Silithus, whatever it’s called and I still can’t get a single pet to drop. My Anubisath Idol was a generous gift from someone.

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This is going to sound basic, but when you kill the Twin Emperors, make sure to tap on both bodies for loot–if they die far enough apart the AoE loot won’t get both bodies.


Thank you. I’ll keep that in mind. I’m still perplexed by the fact that killing one kills them both.

There are a few encounters like that in the game, shared health pool or some other mysticism that links them together. The latest raid Amirdrassil has 3 bosses linked in such a fashion.

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This reminds me, if you’re interested there are two seasonal pets. The Snowy Owl which only spawns in Winterspring during the winter, so you’d need to wait till Dec. 21st or so, but I mention this because with summer starting in a couple of weeks you’ll be able to capture the Qiraji Guardian around the Silithus area if you’re interested.


Good call!

The S/S breed Qiraji Guardling is very valuable for battles, especially PvP, and very easy to catch once available.


Quick summary of Darkmoon Faire for Pet collectors:

Pet Battles
Crow, Darkmoon Glow-fly, Sea Gull (note that Sea Gull is common in other zones too)

Vendored with Darkmoon Prize Tickets, 90 tickets each

From Ihara: Darkmoon Cub, Hatchling, Monkey, Tonk, Turtle, Zeppelin. Also the non-combat Darkmoon Balloon
From Carl Goodup: Horse Balloon, Murloc Balloon, Wolf Balloon (all non-combat pets)

Vendored from Galissa Sundew with Darkmoon Daggermaw fish

Blorp for 50 fish (non-combat pet)
Ghostshell Crab for 100 fish

From fishing around Isle coast
Sea Pony

Elite Raid Boss drops
Darkmoon Rabbit, Moonfang

Darkmoon Mini-games
Hogs – from Whack-a-Mole, get 45 moles in 1 session
Race MiniZep – from Rocketeer Race

From Darkmoon Pet Supply bags (success rate varies on pet)
Darkmoon Eye, Syd the Squid

Pet Trainers (don’t drop pets, but Pet Supply bags and Prize Tickets. Can only win once daily per account)
Jeremy Feasel, Christoph Von Feasel)


Small correction you might want to edit. Darkmoon Balloon is also a noncombatant.

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Oops, of course it is. Thanks, it’s been edited.

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