All i know is that Teldrassil đŸ”„ would never happen to the Horde

The Horde are not immune to the act of war,no civilization either made up or real has lived a long time.Teldrassil burned live were lose like most wars ,doesn’t mean they’re gone as a people. Slyvanas ,failed to destroy them totally. Perhaps ,there will be a time when orgrommar will face a villain so powerful or skillful. What would alliance do this time?

Nope. Still saying your only good storyline was dumped in the trash by the creators themselves :smiley:

Haha. Whatever the Horde story is let’s not forget what the Alliance’s is.

Are you seriously looking at that story and saying it is better?

You know it saddens me. You took a playful thread and sank it.

Every party needs a pooper I suppose.

The Alliance doesn’t exist in the story. There’s nothing to look in it :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re absolutely right. :hugs: The devs would never let that happen to the Horde. :upside_down_face:


The Horde knows is has a raging Tyrande just waiting to be unleashed.
Bide your time Horde, bide your time.

Yeah right.

She can park her rage in the chair right next to Anduin and Baine.

The main issue with destroying the Undercity is that the Horde did it themselves. The Alliance did not get the cathartic moment of purging the place. This left both sides sort of upset and as far as I can tell, no one is happy about it.


idk our elf equivalent (Silvermoon) nearly got messed up by Alleria (by accident granted but still lol)

you mean that old hag that ran around valshara screaming for her boyfriend to quit getting drunk and lost in the woods?

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“NOooOooOoOooOOo WhY WOuLd yOu jOiN tHe aLliAnCe!!! ThEY SucK sO bAd HOrDe IS sO mUCh cOoLer!!!”

haha nelf girlfriend tall

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I tell you what would never happen to the horde, having a gnome woman on a mechanostrider chase them across zones to save a gnome ruler about to drop off the perch. Not to mention being assaulted by squeaky voiced gnomes every time they want to use the Boralus flight point. (‘Here’s our friend now!’ No. I’m not you’re friend and I couldn’t give a flying fondle about your story).

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Between the marvel that yes, poop can be stacked that high (with spikes and metal framing in it), and it won’t burn so well when it dries, yeah, I think the Horde is pretty safe from that.

Let’s all acknowledge that it took the entire Horde army to match Malfurion, some civilians, and the Darnassus City Guard.

Since the night elf soldiers were away.

And then let’s also take a moment to appreciate that six horde soldiers died for every night elf combatant they dragged down.

The real reason Sylvanas burned the tree was that she was convinced the Horde couldn’t take the bread vendor at this point.

  1. City burned down :white_check_mark:
  2. City survived Zombie Apocalypse. :white_check_mark:
  3. City survived a dragon landing on it. :white_check_mark:
  4. City flooded by mega Tsunami :white_check_mark:
  5. City went teen wolf. :white_check_mark:
  6. City needing an exorcism. :white_check_mark:
  7. City in an alien spacecraft crash landing. :white_check_mark:
  8. City getting firin’ mah lazer by old god Stay Puft. :white_check_mark:
  9. City made into a raid then later into a grind. :white_check_mark:
  10. City nuked by You cannot do that on Television. :white_check_mark:

Makes me look forward to whatever is going to happen to IF and others.

You’re the Horde, not the Tal’darim, there’s no Chain of Ascension in WoW

You get that evil away from Ironforge.

It’s perfect.

The only time the alliance are ever able to get near Orgrimmar is when the Horde lead them in. Never alone.

There’s literally been Alliance attacking the back gates of Org since Cata.

Imagine thinking muscles make you smart.