All for Zovaal blowing Azeroth up in 9.2

Like seriously, instead of continuously trying to come up with stories that are so distorted/idiotic (see: Elune not being told souls wont reach Ardenweald), please just give this game a hard lore reset by having Zovaal win and blow everything up. Give characters that still have some lore potential a means of surviving it, and erase everything else.


While your hate is dumb AF , i do agree that Zorvaal should reset reality , makes room for wow 2.0 and can somewhat correct all the lore to be relevant if we start next expansion in a new reality !!


Not as dumb as your face but thank you <3


Aww cute , personal insult because im telling you to tone down your hate for a story you dislike :wink:

Bashing someone’s work is not better than the current allegation in that blizz lawsuit … suit yourself .

owned him~!!!


Dude you just got owned.


Elune don’t have a can with string on it listeni to everything they all day all the time

Want some aloe for that burn? It looks pretty rough.


You literally just lost any credibility with this, if you even had any to begin with.


Why would she know what no one else knew? She doesn’t even live in the shadowlands.

You’d be surprised how few people would come back if they lost all their stuff. Add to that the fact that the devs don’t seem to be able to support an existing game. Why do you think they could successfully create a new one?


Good point, but I asked for a lore reset not a game reset.


what’s the point if new lore will be written by same people
Ofc it will stop cannibalize, destroy and retcon old lore, but it still will be crap



But also, what’s the point? the devs have already said SL is just the stepping stone in the cosmic stuff. Its like they want us flying through the galaxy just stopping at a plane / planet for an expansion then moving on.

One of the things I LOVE about that other game is that when I went back to it 2 months ago, I still havent left the supposed “worst” parts of it. I am completing every aspect of each expansion before moving on. earning all the old currencies so I can level the end game stuff (especially the endgame crafting stuff). I can even use their dungeon finder to run their old raids. I’ll move on when I feel I have completed this part and not just rush to the end.

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:man_shrugging: I don’t care, as long as Zidormi is there so I can still go back.
If they destroy Azeroth in the manner they ‘destroyed’ Undercity sure, why not, who cares.

walk on ground mount* through the galaxy


The gravity on those other planets is different from Azeroth thus our flying mounts don’t work


What’s that? Oh yeah you can still jump the same height and there’s flight paths because gameplay reasons



No reason we cant all take the portal to alt timeline argus and live there…

Speaking of… why cant we just all go back in time and stop all this nonsense in the first place? Wheres chromie when you need her?

Yesssssss, then recreate the maps/dungeons/etc…

Honestly, anybody attracted by classic should be frothing at the idea of this. Do you want to recreate the “classic experience”*? This the first part of how you get there. The second part is to find a way to avoid/prevent data miners/leaks so when players get their hands on the game they don’t already know all of the raid strats to the first four bosses and the best leveling paths.

*the classic experience being: logging into the game and not knowing anything. Being absolutely fresh. Exploring just to explore because nobody has been to that location so nobody knows what’s there (yet). The feeling of wonder and excitement. That is the classic experience.

The only chance fans have at a lore reset is Classic +

And honestly, Cataclysm is a good place to start if you’re going to branch out the story in a different path considering how they completely wasted Deathwing as a villain

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