All Flying Mounts refuse to fly, Skyriding button does not exist, UI Reset does nothing

Ticket US100031557 was not resolved.

  1. Pressing the space bar twice just makes my flying mounts stand on their rear legs, but not launch into the air.
  2. The skyriding button does not exist.
  3. Renaming to to CacheOld, InterfaceOld, and WTFOld does not fix the problem.

I’m having the same issue. None of my mounts are flying.


Same problem here. Question for you two - did you play through Dragonflight and unlock dragon riding? I never did, and now I can’t even use regular/steady flight on any of my characters.

An observation - I jumped on a level 30 character of mine and gained a level. Upon doing so, he was able to use steady flight again. Might be worth a try. I’d level this guy, my current main, to 61 to see if this method would work for him too but unfortunately if I were to do so I’d get forcibly removed from Chromie Time. I’m working on loremaster for all the expansions in story order, so that would kind of ruin this character.

Other observations - I was given several suggestions as to things to try, but none worked. These included reloading my UI, regenerating my Cache/Interface/WTF folders as OP did, disabling all addons, manually using the ‘/cast Switch Flight Style’ command, doing the very first Dragonflight campaign quest, doing the first few Dragonflight campaign quests, taking the boat to Dragon Isles, completing the Pandaria Remix intro until skyriding is unlocked for that character, and creating a level 10 Allied race character to try and unlock skyriding account-wide. None of this worked - this character, and all other characters on my account aside from the Remix character and the level 30 character I hit 31 on, continue to be completely grounded and can no longer fly using flying mounts like they were able to just a couple short days ago.


I didn’t. I haven’t ever touched DF quest. I don’t have time to do it tonight. I’ll have to test it tomorrow.

Thank you for the suggestion.

EDIT: Leveling up a single character absolutely worked.

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Same. Never did dragonflight (didn’t own it until it became free yesterday apparently) and never learned dragonriding (except for timrunning characters). Now, all mounts refuse to fly in either mode, and no toggle button exists.

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I’d go to the Dragon Isles and do the first 25~ish quests to ‘unlock’ dragon riding, but I’m doing all the Loremaster achievements on this character using Chromie Time as a way of catching up on the story. I haven’t done BFA, Shadowlands, or DF on any character yet. And I don’t want to skip ahead to DF, and do a third of the first zone, just so I can regain my ability to use Steady Flight that I had up until yesterday!

Please fix this soon, Blizzard. I’m currently questing through Felwood and I’m already sick of being so slow and having to ride through swarms of aggroing enemies constantly.

Same issue here.

Same here, can’t find the toggle button for switch flight and i had skyriding before the pre-patch. Plz fix soon.

did you do this chain?