I queued like 3 arenas with a buddy, resubbed yesterday-ish and had a bad time with keys, so figured I’d try out PvP.
2 of the 3 games a Warlock quite literally paladin bubbled (idk how else to explain it) and 1 shot me from 100% HP by casting chaos bolt.
Third game was a fire mage who did the same thing on combust and didn’t “1 shot me” but came close.
Do all classes have a paladin bubble now?
You’re probably saying bubble because your CC is coming up as immune. It’s the new PvP trinkets that make DR basically turn into an immunity timer.
Dark Pact So big it might as well be a paladin bubble with unending resolve + immunity trinket.
Well, there’s pact, which gives them a 80k absorb, there’s nether, which is 3 seconds of magic reflection, they have unending resolve which makes them immune to interrupts/silences for a few seconds and then casting circle which functions similarly to unending resolve.
Oh, then there’s echoing resolve which is kind of a cc alternator where you kick them on something then they’re immune to the next kick/cc for a few seconds.
Maybe some combination of the above with an hpal aura/bop?
This is intended.
Maybe you’re thinking of the echoing trinket that makes you immune to every other kick/cc.
And can still die to a rogue through it. Walled at 100% + pact and came out at 10% through rogue cds.
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how do I learn to do this
ya it’s a bug from torghast where people leave with the immunity power and then q arena
Rdruid have a better bubble than Paladin, its 2min cd, immune to everything, casting a heal, and it can’t be md somehow
It’s only 2 minutes if they spec out of overgrowth, which most don’t
So unless they spec out of overgrowth, it’s a 3 min cd and you can stop it with knockbacks
Siri set reminder for 8 days
Its good for abilities like convoke or other yolo one shot abilities. Hope they add in more.
Imagine how other classes that don’t have 80k absorb or 40% DR wall feel!
memes aside though, is this hyperbole or what? Because I don’t think I’ve done anywhere close to that much damage on my rogue as any spec and he has full gear o.O
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I think most druids would trade bubble tranq for actual bubble in a heartbeat and it’s not close.
Like yes, it does that stuff, sure, but it’s still way worse than bubble. The heal does next to nothing and they’re locked in place for it. You can do EVERYTHING a healer can/needs to do in bubble like actually heal/dispell/cc/do extra damage and are immune to followup cc the entire time.
C’mon, guys. There are bigger things to complain about than resto druid tranq atm…