All Classes Available for All Races. Question?

Blizzard has mentioned in the past that they were going to make all classes available to all races eventually. This question has been asked for a long time now. I am asking again because I have not found any recent info in search. So, perhaps I’ve missed something. If anyone knows of this actually happening and when, would you please share the information. Thank you.

New classes will be unlocked as time permits. There is no time table or road map for when certain classes will be made available for all races.

The remaining classes to be unlocked (Druid, Paladin, and Shaman), all have extensive, race-themed assets that need to be developed (Forms, Mounts, and Totems). Given the sheer number of playable races, it is going to take a long time to get it all adequately completed.


I would add - things can change as the leadership changes.

It would seem the initial Devs employed a harder stance on locking Classes by Race. As time went on, there was a moment where the Devs prioritized expanding options as a concept.

There has been a shake up across the board recently at Blizzard. It appears to me that they are putting these things on the back burner.

Call this wishful thinking, but maybe we will get Blood Elf Druids for Midnight, to help heal the land? Or after Midnight… to help heal the land? What ever. Just give me better Racial Options for Druids, curse you Blizz!

They seem to have walked this back slightly since earthen can’t be DKs, and dracthyr can’t be DK or monk. (These classes were previously extended to all races).

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cries in Monk


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/soon ™

/10char also

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Most likely a long term thing OP.

Like maybe Midnight we’ll see the next unlock or the expansion after.

Methinks a lot of it is likely held back purely just to be a selling point. E.G: You’ve conquered the darkness of Midnight and now all can be Paladins!

As it stands now, they’ll eventually give Paladin and Shaman to all races, maybe Druid but not Demon Hunter or Evoker. And, maybe, not Death Knight as there’s no way currently to create them from new races.