All Citrine Gems are now Available

Quintuple time gate. They restrict drops like the shards for mount to 1 a week plus the land mount is also 1 a day.

Remember, they actually changed that because before then, World Bosses only GAVE A CHANCE of dropping the Memory.

I don’t know how often Blizz needs to learn not to timegate stuff but if I had a nickel, I could probably retire.

I think this is the biggest culprit for their change. Having literal weeks between power disparities

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Rare Blizzard W? Merry Christmas indeed. The citrine time gating was probably the only objectively poor decision

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So when is this gonna be live???


I have some long-term concerns about this lore over gameplay philosophy by your development team.

Lore needs to take a backseat to gameplay, always.


Exactly, the question is, will they learn this time?

My bet is on no and theyll continue to gouge at every oportunity not met with extreme pushback. And they wonder why the community defaults to doubt and rage… Hah.

Please apply the hotfix soon.

What else am I supposed to do with holiday time? Play with my children? Indoors? Where I live?


Wait. which mount are you talking about?

Well 50/50.

The removal of waiting for gems is good
Keeping it 6 weeks to fully upgrade the ring is also good.

Would be stupid to just throw out a 658 ring acquried day 1.

So hopefully Blizz learns, but at the same time, hopefully GD understands a little too

Theyre kids. Kick em outside. This is never a suitable exception

It would have been a W if it was right to begin with. They get a pass on correcting their nonsense, but dont praise them for getting caught trying to shaft us (again).

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Why cant they go hand in hand? Surely there’s a good many players that play for the story.

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Thanks for the update Kaivax, but feel free to pass this along: Even the average player saw this frustration coming from miles off.


Correcting mistakes should always be celebrated. What reason do they have to continue to listen to the players in the future when doing so is just met with “it should have been like this in the first place”

Nah, GD is justified in w/e it feels. How many “ripcords” will it take for blizzard to stop the metric bs and just give us fun. Fun, non-abrassive content will give them all the play metrics they could ask for and then some. The sooner thwy realize that the better for all.

Absolutely, but silly mistakes that never needed to happen should also be criticized.


the game needs better content lol.

Its blizzards game to design as they see fit.
Also justified

Nah. Once i complete my goals, i take breaks. The sooner i complete them, sooner i stop paying them.


No, correcting mistakes should be expected. Getting it right to start with can be celebrated.