All Citrine Gems are now Available

The people designing the game should also have to play the game.

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If you aren’t ready to fix issues on the weekend then you shouldn’t deploy code on Friday nights.

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I don’t understand how some of the staff stays employed. If I made this many consistent mistakes at my job, I’d be fired.

Where is the accountability from their management?

It’s bad code with the event that seems tied to the cave collapse RP cycle - you can watch the contribution bar on the table cycle between available and not available, as well as watch the cave opening open and close several times while the timer is counting down for the event to start.


That’s not how the ring works…you use 2 stat gems and the skipper gem to proc the “Buffs 4 people gem” without ever needing to be wearing it. This means when the other 4+ people in your group proc it they also buff your active gem, which is stats.

the cave boss is still bugged just an FYI

So just don’t have the rest of the gems available over the weekend so people will keep whining about that? No thanks, I’ll gladly take one bugged boss that’s annoying but still possible to deal with

the gem that is pretty much BIS according to wowhead is on the boss that is bugged.

like every class and spec uses it and its on the boss that is bugged

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I’d expect them to do their job. If I pushed code out on Friday that was bugged, I’d have to stay Friday or work Saturday/Sunday until it was fixed.

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I’m aware, and that’s frustrating, but you can still get it. Source: I have all 12 citrines

does it rotate on a different non bugged boss?

No, you get it from the bugged boss

Anyone else getting ring upgrade items from the Crate of Bygone Riches from the digs? Got one this morning on my shaman ring at 645 now.

Alright, so apply to Blizz yourself and let them know you’re willing to work after hours to fix unaccounted for bugs

fathomdwellers citrine is the one that is currently on the bugged boss that every class and spec pretty much uses

I mean, it’s just called being responsible. You break something, you fix it. Simple as that.


Sure, I’m not arguing that. I just know how Blizzard works

I would have been fired from my job if I would have let this many mistakes occur in a 4 month window like this Season 1 has had.

Maybe you should apply for a management position at Blizz then

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