I don’t understand. Lua is public interface for addons. This is a old game based on 3.3.5. 3.4.1 supposed to have only tweaking. All addons are broken. What’s going on with that backward compatibility? I cannot even buy Emblems of Heroism. Getting Interface_TBC/MerchantFrame.lua error… /sigh.
developers havent updated them.
This happens literally every major patch, why are people surprised? This is why addon culture is cancer, game needs an actual vanilla UI thats functional
Actually, it’s build on a modern client…
Anyway, what are the actual errors that you’re getting? That should give you information relevant to what is breaking for each particular addon.
I can wait for third party addons. But I cannot buy emblems right now and getting error by Blizzard standard interface → MerchantFrame.lua
All addons but updated to 3.4.1 are disabled.
Or blizzard just needs to stop changing the scripting interface in classic.
Not at all, it is rebuilt entirely from a more recent client said to be Legion era.
Also heard 3.4.1 code added things from dragonflight. This is likely what broke it all.
That explains item locker and bagnon being borked.
I see the post on wowhead but nothing on the forums that officially states this.
I was only aware of problems when someone reported the issue when they updated their version of the addon I am updating.
Has anyone seen the Blizzard post that states this and explains what parts of Dragonflight API has been added to Wrath ? Thanks in advance.
At an educated guess, it’s likely something that they needed to add in for the Heroic+ system. Depends on what was available in Blizzard’s GIT repository.
It’s highly likely that any Mythic system from Legion wasn’t there anymore and got over written. Unless Blizzard is archiving GIT repositories far longer than most other companies I’ve worked for.
It’s a next day. I updated all of my addons. I tied to disable all of third party addon with exactly the same error by Blizzard standard LUA UI in MerchantFrame.lua. It’s IMPOSSIBLE for me to trade emblems at this moment.
It looks like Blizzard did some Hotfixes today.
But the majority of my addons are still broken.
Been on Curseforge manually editing the addons not yet updated, here’s a bit of it.
if Postal.WOWClassic or Postal.WOWBCClassic or Postal.WOWWotLKClassic then bagFree, bagFam = GetContainerNumFreeSlots(bag) else bagFree, bagFam = C_Container.GetContainerNumFreeSlots(bag)
So, it seems classic now uses C_Container same as retail and this is a very common function so anything that checks bags? Busted.
It’s not the same ui as og wrath. They used the legion client to make classic and I’m pretty sure it’s been updated since then too.
I onow nothing about making addons so take my 2 cents with a grain of salt.
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