All Action Bars Resetting to Blank / The War Within Pre-patch

Had the same question, searching in the options for “loadout” turns up nothing, no idea what they are talking about. Looks like its if you change something in your talent tree and then choose “New Loadout” from the drop down list at the bottom of the talent tree window, give it a name, and hit “Save.”

Having this issue, submitted a ticket, customer service rep was like “yeah that sucks, it’ll be fixed when its fixed”

happening only on my dk

Thank Heavens I think that worked, Thank you so much!

That appears to work!!

Thank you so much, this fixed the issue for me too. Wow team needs to fix this in their software.

Still happening.
My lvl 59 Shaman has everything blank every time I log in.

Clearly not saving preferences on the Blizz side. PLEASE FIX!!!

Thank you to those who shared the tips on how to fix this issue!

Yes, thank you. But what if the tips don’t work!

Is there a problem with the guild bank withdrawal system?

fixed it for my paladin also. No idea why its not being mentioned more. This seems to be the fix

Hi All,

This was happening to me on one of my characters at level 59. I’ve been experimenting with it a bit. One thing I did notice is when I log in with that character, I hear the skill placement sound and then when the screen loads, all my action bars are cleared.

Here is what worked for me, similar to Unatural.

1.) Open Talents and click on the Reset Talents (All).

2.) Click on the Dropdown menu on the bottom left of the Talents Screen. Delete any previous presets you had saved. Basically, start over from scratch. Do NOT use old presets you saved before the patch. Then log the character out and log back in.

3.) Click on the Dropdown menu again on the bottom left of the Talents Screen. If you see “Starter Build”, just click on that and load it.

4.) Put a couple of skills on any action bar, log out and then log back in with that character to test. If the skills are still on the action bar when you log back in then you’re good to go.

5.) You should be able to use whatever build you want, either manually, from icy veins, etc.

I was good after this.


Happening to me only on my Arms warrior remix (Winterhoof, level 64). Two other remix toons are fine (although I lose my UI when they reset my talents). The thing someone reported they were tracking was losing action bars 2-8. I’m not losing the actual bars, just the contents. Of all of them. Every time I log in to just that one toon. Going to try creating the new loadout as some have suggested. Sure is annoying–especially since I’m doing this new remix toon while I’m waiting for them to fix the Warbands bank!

Worked for me! Thank you very much!

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Yes, it looks like every time I log in on my Mage I have the same proble, losing everything on my bars…but only on my Mage and no other character.

Worked. Thanks for the tip.

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This also worked for me.

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Same here. Really annoying.

Worked here too thanks!

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same issue here; multiple characters (monk, warlock, mage), but not all; very frustrating (especially for higher- level characters with dozens of skills to assign

Same issue here on My Feral Druid, Vashj server. Every single login, saving a new loadout doesn’t fix it. It’s exhausting.

Edit: For Anyone who the “new Loadout” fix didn’t work for: Keep trying it. I had to close and reopen my game a couple times saving a new load out each time, but it eventually worked.