Aliance or Horde heavy?

Trying to get into classic but want to know which side is more populated.

slightly horde heavy. last time I saw there was about 1,000 more active horde players.

Currently 7421(46.9%) Alliance vs 8405 (53.1%) Horde

It’s not just 46A and 54H. There are many server transfers from dead realms with toxic communities. They killed balance on own realms and now working hard on ours. I haven’t seen so many cowards and campers before. Spineless Greed Inc is killing healthy community of this realm.


So you can join the winning side and make it worse?

Bene/Faerlina have what you’re looking for.


Even though 3% sounds like a small difference, it’s very noticeable in the open world… Classic or TBC zones, I see Horde to Alliance active at a ratio of 3:1. Deeply suspect a disproportionate amount of Alliance activity is botting when Shattrath and Stormwind both look vacant outside of absolute peak time 1/week.

Seconded. IQD feels like 75% horde.

expect to see a lot of people switch to Alliance tho

Don’t go based on population, we are still the most balanced server, play whichever faction appeals to you here on grobb.