Algarian Stormrider bugged completely

That actually suggests that utilizing that method to turn faster is the bug.

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If the inability to turn for that long is the intended design, there needs to be an option to use the normal whirling surge. Lightning Rush just feels awful to use.

What do you even use whirling surge for? It’s slower and less efficient than pressing surge forward twice.

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I just did these on gold this morning and it was also my impression this mechanic’s design is intended and an aspect of the challenge of the race. You should never use the ability when there is a visible turn ahead. You may have to hold it for a short time before you see a long straightaway, but as long as you manage your vigor well otherwise, you can get gold with this ability.

You can fine tune the direction if there is slight deviation on the straightaway, but not on a 90 degree side-to-side turn. I seem to recall you could steer steeply downward in the same direction with it where there is a shorter straightaway followed by a descent. It is possible you will have to do a few test runs on certain races to practice how to best use your vigor and lightning rush ability over the course of the race to succeed.

Also, 99.9% of the time I do not use whirling surge in a race, maybe it’s harder to adjust if you do.

Editing to add: in case you didn’t see the tip in the center of the screen while flying, you must be near walls or the ground to gain 10 lighting stacks to use the ability, but the races are designed for you to do this naturally, generally.

Bottom line: this mount’s “special ability” is different from Whirling Surge and you’ll just have to get used to its advantages and liabilities.

I noticed that it’s pretty much impossible to get better than Bronze on any of the special courses for this mount without understanding Static Surge and using it to the maximum extent possible. So get used to it.

Same here. Mine bugged out on the forbidden reach and I flew until I fatigued death.

Agreed. Blizzard, please allow an option to choose between these two abilities, especially seeing as how the new one is bugged. I got the Epic edition and love the mount but this minor inconvenience could be fixed with a simple patch, ty :slight_smile:

Necro’ing this thread because it’s still not fixed.

It’s completely intentional in how it functions, not bugged, and you can swap it out for whirling surge now so its literally a non issue.

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